Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Storm Windows
By Susan Klein

“He causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.”

I grew up living in houses with storm windows. You know, that extra window on the outside which protects the inside window and the sill from the elements. Maybe it’s a northern thing. Not until I moved to my current home did I realize that many window companies have replaced that type of window unit with double pane windows. These are single window units with two panes of glass and only a screen on the outside. I’m guessing one double paned window is more cost efficient than having to install two separate windows. However, one window does not mean less to clean!

Every time it rains, the water and plant debris fill up my sills with no storm windows to keep them out. And somehow, bugs always manage to get in and either die there or make webs. I just cleaned all the windows and sills last week when the rains poured two days later leaving a new mess. Who thought having only one window was a better idea?!

Sometimes, I feel that my life cycles in much the same way as this. I finally get around to cleaning out some of the junk I’m carrying around in my head or heart when the rains of life bring new issues to deal with. Sometimes, the enemy sneaks in with a really tough storm leaving much debris/temptation/sin in its wake. Trying to deal with it alone could be exhausting! I much prefer having the added protection of the storm window - - God’s Word - - to help keep out some of that unwanted mess.

As evidenced by the above verse, being in God’s Word does not guarantee that showers and storms will not come our way. However, the more I am in God’s Word, the better equipped I am to deal with them when they arrive. I can stand firm against the enemy’s temptations, not letting him clutter my mind with wrong thoughts if I am equipped with the power of God’s truths. And I can better react to the everyday rains/trials of life knowing that God’s Word tells me I’m not alone in the struggle; He is right there with me. If I didn’t rely on God’s Word for guidance and comfort, those bad storms could do some serious damage.

While our homes may only be outfitted with single window units, we are blessed with the added protection of God’s Word. Let’s take advantage of this gracious gift and save ourselves some unnecessary “cleaning.”

1. What sources do you turn to in times of trial and temptation?
2. Which precepts from God’s Word might you store in your heart for added protection?


Susan is married to Mark, and co-leads an in-home small group. She is a member of Oakwood’s Peace Team, helping people work through conflict.