Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Be Careful What You Ask For!
By Susan Klein

“He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.”

Have you ever prayed for God to give you a tragedy? I know, crazy, right?!! We typically pray for deliverance from our difficult circumstances, not ask for them. Who in their right mind would ever ask God to deliberately give them a crisis? I did. Once.

It was early in my marriage, and it felt as if my husband and I were in separate lifeboats, drifting away from each other. I was scared. I had heard that tragedies had the potential to bring people closer together (or tear them completely apart), so I prayed for one, hoping for the former. I was also very new to my faith and couldn’t nearly grasp the power of prayer. Maybe that’s a good thing because I prayed simply and earnestly, like a child would. That said, be careful what you ask for! In His infinite wisdom, God granted my request.

My husband and I walked through the great tragedy of losing of our baby girl; however, the amazing things God did through that trial could never have been anticipated. He brought the two of us closer together than we’d ever been, He drew me nearer to my own parents, He allowed me to give testimony of His grace to countless doctors and nurses, and He showed tremendous love through our local church body. I gained a deeper love for and understanding of God as He showed me Himself in ways I’d have never seen without walking through that painful period.

In the song, “Bring The Rain” by Mercy Me, the chorus says:

Bring me joy, bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings You glory
And I know there'll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to praise You
Jesus, bring the rain

Sometimes, we need a little rain to gain perspective and get our focus back on the One who truly cares. Oh sure, we all love to sing His praises during times of joy and peace, but when we can belt out praises to God during the most difficult tragedies, imagine the glory He receives!

What are you asking for? Will it bring Him glory?

1. Could you welcome tragedies, or even pray, “Jesus, bring the rain”? (Listen to the song by clicking HERE.)
2. Spend some time looking at the responses of people in Scripture like Joseph, or Daniel, or Paul in the midst of their trials.


Susan is married to Mark, and co-leads an in-home small group. She serves as a mentor to young women, and is a member of Oakwood’s Peace Team, helping people work through conflict.

(1) “Jesus Bring The Rain,” Coming Up To Breathe, by Mercy Me, INO Records, 2006