Monday, July 15, 2019

The Love Canal
By Elin Henderson

“…because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the
Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

Before you think this is a spin-off of “The Love Boat” cruising down the Panama Canal, let me clarify: There aren’t any lido decks or floor shows, not even a cruise ship…but, there is  a canal, a “love canal,” God’s love gushing from heaven desiring to fill our hearts and flow out into the world around us. Let’s face it, though, our love canals aren’t always in the greatest condition.

What are some things that can plug up our love canals? Well, first of all, there must be an empty vessel that love can flow through. I must be empty of myself in order for His love to fill me. If I am full of self, there won’t be much space for the love to flow through. Secondly, the tap must be on to begin with! “Quench not the spirit” could be translated, “don’t turn off the love tap.” He is the source of love. How can we think that we will be able to reach out with love if we have turned off the tap of His love into our lives. Finally, debris could be blocking the path of love. Debris like a plank (in our own eyes) or even undealt-with silt and dirt that builds up over time. Slowly, the canal gets blocked on both ends - - incoming and outgoing.

Don’t worry though. In each of these “love canal emergencies,” God has a solution. He offers free “self-emptying services”  - - lessons in humility free of charge! Not only that, but His Holy Spirit gives free “reminder” services in case we forget to turn on the tap. He prods our hearts with his gentle little reminders. Finally, He offers an all-purpose “cleaning solution and plank removal service.” He cleanses us from all sin and helps us work through the debris that is clogging our canals.

All of us want to know the love of God and impact the world around us with that same love. Let’s keep a close eye on our “love canals” and keep that love free-flowing, into our hearts and out to a needy world around us.

GOING DEEPER:                                                       
1. Can you identify any areas where your “love canal” might not be flowing like it should?
2. Take time to read Ephesians 5:26. What does it tell us about the power of the word to cleanse us (keep our canal/vessel open for service!)?