Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Answer is in the Word
By Susan Klein

“‘Test me in this’, says the Lord Almighty, ‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.’”
Malachi 3:10b

My husband and I just moved into a beautiful new home. The process of “looking” was arduous and painstakingly long! For several years, we had searched for a house that would fit the requirements of our budget, location, and number of rooms. We started our endeavor in prayer, asking God to show us the right house for us, and trusting in His perfect timing and will. A few times we’d come upon one that looked promising, only to have God shut the door. After endless searching, I grew concerned that He either hadn’t heard me or just didn’t care where we lived.

Then, a friend told me about a house just put on the market in his neighborhood. It seemed perfect, fitting all of our criteria. When I called to make an appointment for a showing, I was told it had already sold! We missed it! Disappointed, I called a girlfriend and cried my heart out to her since I was sure God wasn’t listening. She prayed for me and comforted me as any good friend would. Angry and hurt, I cried out to God for the hundredth time. “Why Lord? Why are you shutting every door? I don’t understand what you want for us!”

It wasn’t until I turned to His Word that I got an answer. Paging through my Bible, the verse above caught my eye since it had been previously underlined. As I read the words, I heard God’s still, small voice. He reassured me that He had my best interest at heart, and that He had indeed heard my pleas. I felt certain He was promising to bless me abundantly, more than I could imagine.

To make a long story short, God dropped the perfect house, in the most beautiful location, right into our laps! He showered down blessing upon blessing in the whole buying and selling of our previous house, providing above and beyond our needs at every turn. While I had been looking for a visible sign or answer in the form of an open door, He had provided an answer to my longings in His Word. He wanted me to trust Him even when it seemed He was absent, even when it seemed like we would never move. He was visible to me through His written Word, a place where I can always seek Him, and always find Him.

1. What questions do you need answers to?
2. Where are you looking for them?

Hebrews 4:12; Isaiah 55:11

Susan is a wife and mother of two. She is the Coordinator of Oakwood’s Tuesday a.m. Bible Study and one of its teachers.