Good Friday was in God’s Roadmap
By Pamela Blattner
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing…”
Luke 23:34a
One week from today will be Good Friday. As I reflect about what really happened that day, I can’t imagine what disillusionment, confusion and suffering took place as those around Jesus watched him die on the cross. Faith was shaken as God seemed to be so silent. His mother, family and friends were experiencing the loss of a loved one. His disciples were bewildered and probably wondered, “Why is this happening, Jesus? Were you really who you said you were?”By Pamela Blattner
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing…”
Luke 23:34a
Can you imagine being Jesus? He was the Son of God! Jesus was all-powerful and extremely capable of getting down off of that cross. Jesus could have frozen the entire mass of people that were jeering at Him or just chosen to vanish into thin air. He didn’t do that, though, because He was “sent on a mission from God.” The death of Jesus Christ was the greatest act of humility, the greatest act of love and the greatest example of doing God’s will…no matter what the cost.
Down through history, God provided us a road map which foretold various signs and conditions through His prophets. These prophets spoke of things that mankind should watch for so that the Messiah would be recognized and believed. These signs, or prophecies, were given to us in the Old Testament. Its writings were completed hundreds of years before Jesus’ birth, containing over 300 prophecies that Jesus fulfilled through His life, death and resurrection. This historical accuracy and reliability sets the Bible apart from any other book or record. But, even Old Testament evidence and Jesus’ very words, the disciples didn’t understand the cross. They didn’t totally grasp that through His death and resurrection, Christ was opening the way for us to have forgiveness and eternal life. It wasn’t until later that they saw the meaning and purpose of the suffering.
"For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16.
Jesus, as Savior, chose to take the sins of the world on His shoulders so that all of us might have the opportunity to gain forgiveness for our sins and a new and righteous relationship with the One True God. May thanksgiving and love fill your heart as you meditate on all that the Messiah endured and fulfilled for you that first Good Friday.
1. As you think on Jesus’ sacrifice for you, what emotions are stirred in your heart?
2. This Easter season, who will you tell of the Good News of Jesus?
Matthew 27:11-66; Mark 15:1-47; Luke 23:1-56; John 18:28-19:42
Pam and her husband Richard have two adult children and two grandchildren. She serves Oakwood through its Family Care Ministries.