By Kari Lyles
By Kari Lyles
“…A time to embrace and a time to refrain.”
Ecclesiastes 3:5
One of the many charms of Wisconsin is its change of seasons. As new dog owners, our family rotates walking Max in all kinds of weather. It’s on cold walks that I often daydream about palm branches swaying in the breeze. As the icy wind snaps me back to reality, the truth is, I would probably miss the splendor of the seasons; seeing the first tulip bulb popping through in spring, summer’s first boat ride and the magic of fall.
Seasons bring growth and change. Ecclesiastes 3 states that there is a time and a season for everything. The specific verse about “a time to embrace and a time to refrain” has been a personal theme for me over the last year.
For the past eight years, I have “embraced” a season I’ll call the “yes” season. A time for Bible studies, ministries and outreaches. I said “yes” when asked to teach, sing, act, read, write, cook, stand on my head…whatever it was, I was ready and willing. My “yeses,” were answers to the desire of my heart to serve and I could not have imagined the blessings that came from this season.
However, I have now taken “time to refrain.” Time to figure out what the next “yes” should be. This season has brought a word to my vocabulary I sometimes stumble to say…“NO!”
Can you relate?
The world has convinced us that “no” is an appalling word. The world’s view translates it into “unwillingness, unfriendliness, selfishness”…even, dare I say, “ungodliness.”
While I have prayed about what my “no’s” should be, the word has not left my lips without thoughts of “I hope she’s not mad,” or “I hope she knows my heart is in the right place.” But amidst some doubts, I have felt peace. This little word has given back to me in the forms of family time, quiet time and personal and spiritual growth.
Say “yes” with joy if it’s the right season…go for it, if you have sought the Lord in your decision. But, if you think that the only way you will be “in the know” is if you say “yes,” I am testimony that truly being “in the no” brings many a blessing too.
1. What season are you in? Are there things in your life that you feel you should prioritize by saying “yes” or “no”? Is God taking a back seat to too many obligations?
Ecclesiastes 3; Psalm 46:10
Kari is a wife, mother to two girls, and works part-time at The Prestwick Group as a sales consultant.