Monday, March 8, 2010

Beautiful Feet
By Karen D’Amore

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News!”
Romans 10:15

“Beautiful” is not an adjective I would use to describe my feet! Because I was a distance runner for many years, my feet took a horrible beating. Surgical scars, calluses and remnants of healed blisters memorialize hundreds of miles. I ran a good race physically, but spiritually, I was off-track running away from God. As the distance between myself and God widened and the road of life darkened, He lovingly intervened. One pivotal night a “divine hurdle” knocked me off my feet…bringing me to my knees. In a horrific car accident, on the crest of a bridge, God’s miraculous intervention spared my life. As bridges serve as passages from one place to another, that bridge marked the passage from an old life into a new one. One that forever changed the direction of my life and the object of my race.

Injuries suffered in the accident carried grim news from my surgeon. My running days were over! Relinquishing my running shoes, I crawled barefoot back into the arms of God. His loving salve healed my painful blisters. His grace was the pumice stone that smoothed my hard calluses. His tender mercies provided cushion for my soles.

In my new race, walking hand-in-hand with my Savior, I have “good news” to share. Jesus saved me twice…the first time on a cross, the second time on a bridge. And He faithfully carries me over the daily hurdles of this world. As a result, I am able to raise my hands in victory, and proclaim…my God reigns!

As Christ-followers, we are called to be God’s messengers. We have the marvelous news of victory to share. The battle for our souls was won by Christ on Calvary. My bridge-like high arches serve as a daily reminder; Jesus’ death on the cross bridged the gap between sinful man and a holy God. “Jesus answered, ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me’” (John 14:6).

David Egner says it well: “As we tell the good news to others, let it be with the joy of victory in our hearts, and with feet that are ‘beautiful’ because of the glorious message we bear.”(1)

How beautiful are your feet?

1. If your feet could speak, what “good news” would they say they’ve shared during your faith journey?
2. What is Jesus calling you to do to have more beautiful feet?

Isaiah 52:7; Ephesians 1:7

(1) Quote found in “Our Daily Bread”

Married to husband Dan, Karen is a retired police officer. She is the administrator for Oakwood’s Tuesday a.m. Bible Study and a volunteer at the Wildlife In Need Center.