Wednesday, June 2, 2010

God’s Morning to You!
By Pamela Blattner

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”
Psalm 19:1

My mother, who’s been suffering from dementia, was just admitted into the hospital today. After the phone call from the nursing home, I immediately called my sister. After checking out at the Piggly Wiggly, I rushed out of the store with my granddaughter. It was a gloomy, gray day. My mind was unsettled. As I walked to the car, a young man was bringing in the carts. I said, “Good Morning!” He waited patiently for me to go through the door first and replied, “God’s Morning!”

I smiled as I went to the car and thought on that for a moment. He was absolutely right; it really was “God’s Morning.” He causes the sun to shine, the birds to fly and the flowers to bloom. If God can speak the world into existence, if He can make man from the dust of the earth and breathe life into him, then He can surely take care of my broken heart today.

Sometimes the troubles of this world threaten to cause us to overlook the glory of God. But, His awesomeness and power can be seen in every creation around us. Earlier, the enemy threatened to discourage me by surrounding me with sadness. After the encounter at the grocery store, I was quickly reminded of what Jesus told the disciples. If God can care for the cute little sparrows, He surely can and will take care of me. God walks with us through all of our trials. When we cry, He cries. When we hurt, He hurts. The great comfort is that although He too feels our pain, He has already devised a way out of or through our circumstances…or temporary feelings.

Look around and see the beauty of God’s morning. Let nothing get you down. Keep your spirits up and your faith steady, for God is still on the throne and He is holding you in the palm of His hand. Look up to the left, to the right and all around, and enjoy God’s Morning…it was created just for you, girlfriends! Glory to God!

1. Take a minute to thank the Lord for creating such a beautiful place. In and through all things that are pressing you down today, ask God to help you to learn how you can enjoy your life in the midst of your pain. Remind yourself, through His creation, of His love for you.

Isaiah 62:3

Pam and her husband Richard have two adult children and two grandchildren. She serves Oakwood through its Family Care Ministries.