Friday, November 29, 2013

Don’t Look at the Water!
By Jen Wollner

“But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!””

Two of my children used to hate having their hair washed during a bath. They just don’t like the water running into their eyes. I keep saying, “Look at me and keep your head up,” but both of them will inevitably move and all the water goes right into their faces. They are so focused on the water that they can’t focus on me. Occasionally, they will follow my instructions and when their faces end up dry, they are glad they trusted me. But, even with this proof of success, fear and doubt oftentimes still rise up in them the very next bath time.

We read of a scenario like this between Jesus and Peter in Matthew 14. Jesus sends the disciples out on the Sea of Galilee while He goes up on a mountainside to pray alone. During the night, He goes out to meet them…by walking on the water! When Peter sees Jesus, he says, “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Jesus obliges and says, “Come.” So, Peter gets out of the boat and begins to walk on the water toward Jesus. Suddenly, though, he is aware of the strong wind and waves around him and he becomes afraid. As soon as he takes his eyes off Jesus, he begins to sink. Interestingly enough, just hours before, the disciples had witnessed Jesus miraculously taking two fish and five loaves of bread and turning them into enough food for about 5,000 people…with twelve baskets to spare! In spite of just having witnessed the Lord’s power and provision, Peter’s doubt and fear still crept in when he focused on his situation instead of on Christ.

There are many fears we are facing today, aren’t there? Maybe it’s relationship woes, financial crisis or health problems. Whatever it is, it will eventually sink us unless we stay fixed on Jesus. When we look only at our circumstances and the storms going on around us, we become filled with worry. But, when we look past the wind and waves of life and stay close to Him, we are filled with peace and joy. Our faith won’t be perfect and there will be times when we slip back into doubt and worry, but with the Lord’s help, we can refocus on Him.

As Peter was sinking in the waves, he cried out to Jesus, “Lord, save me!” Jesus immediately reached out and caught him. Each time our fears begin to sink us, let’s call out to our Savior for help. He won’t let us drown!

1. What are you most afraid of today? What can you do to turn away from your fear and focus more on Jesus, your ever-ready Rescuer?

Philippians 4:6-7; Matthew 6:34

Jen and her husband are busily parenting three elementary aged children. She serves on the leadership team for Mission: Hope, Oakwood’s orphan care ministry.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Giving Thanks
By Susan Klein

“Let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverance and awe.”

In the fall of 1863, President Abraham Lincoln drafted an official proclamation for a day of Thanksgiving and praise, to be observed every successive year on the fourth Thursday of November. In this proclamation he states,
The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God.” “No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People.” [1]
As Americans, we gather together with friends and family on this day to celebrate and give thanks for the bountiful blessings and freedoms which have been bestowed upon us. As Christ-followers, let us consider how we might worship our God in an expression of gratitude for these gifts which come from His gracious hand. Scripture gives us some thought-provoking tools to accomplish this.

T- Trust in the Lord and do good, (Psalm 37:3a)
H- Honor the Lord with your wealth, (Proverbs 3:9a)
A- In all your ways acknowledge Him, (Psalm 3:6a)
N- Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, 
     whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - 
     if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - - think about such things. 
     (Philippians 4:8)
K- Clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness 
     and patience, (Colossians 3:1b)
S- Sing praises to God, (Psalm 47:6a)
G- Give thanks in all circumstances, (1Thessalonians 5:18a)
I- Requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made 
    for everyone, (1Timothy 2:10)
V- And over all these virtues put on love, (Colossians 3:14a)
I- Walk before me in integrity of heart, (1 Kings 9:4)
N- Whoever is kind to the needy honors God, (Proverbs 14:31)
G- “Fear God and give Him glory,” (Revelation 14:7)

1. On this day which has been set apart, how might you worship God with your gratitude?


Susan enjoys teaching Bible studies, writing, and mentoring. She and her husband Mark enjoy opening their home to those in need.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A New Name
By Janet Byrne

“Therefore, since we are receiving a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful…”

When our oldest son was born, my husband and I were over the moon. We couldn’t contain our thanks to God for giving us this precious boy to love. Our first pregnancy had ended in a late term miscarriage so we were beyond grateful to have been given another child. Wanting to name him something to reflect our thanks, we named him Grant. We told people we had named him Grant so that we would remember to never take him for granted.  

In the same way, you have been given a name. Our names are a set of words by which we’re known. Our earthly names are usually given by our parents. You may be a Michelle, a Rachel or Kimberly. God also gives us many names. He calls us Beloved, Redeemed and Saved. Those who believe in Jesus are known by these names to God.  

Being known and called Loved, Treasured, Adopted, and His daughter are all truly amazing names to be called. However, I believe according to the passage above that God wants each of us to be known by the name “Thankful” most of all. To be called Thankful would mean we are known to be appreciative of a benefit; grateful. It would mean we were known to be expressive of gratitude. This is the will of God.   

Without Jesus’ death on the cross, my name would instead be Hopeless. Without His sacrifice, my name would be Death. BUT, because of His great love for us, we are called His children. I cannot think of a greater blessing and benefit in my life.  

I know Thanksgiving is just one day out of the year, but it is my prayer that I would take on a new name. It is Thankful… not just thankful when life is going according to my plan, but thankful regardless. Thankful. Period! Wouldn’t it be neat if when people asked us our names, we replied “My name is Thankful.” And if they look and say, “Wow, that is unique, why are you named that?” My reply could be, “I am thankful to Jesus for His death and resurrection that has given me life.”  

May we be known as those who are thankful. Today and every day.  

1. If people were given one word to describe you, what would it be? Is your name Thankful?  
2. What changes could you make to create a more thankful YOU? Try to show random acts of thankfulness at least once a week. 


Janet is a full time wife and mother of two boys. She is involved on the Women's event team at Oakwood Church and is currently writing a book about her faith journey while dealing with a significant health crisis. You can check out her webpage and blog at 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Missing the Mark
By Tracy Smith

“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

In Wednesday night youth group, we are watching a video curriculum called “Gospel Journey.” [1] The preacher, Greg Stier, was discussing the word sin  as it applies to archery. In archery, “sin” was called out whenever an arrow did not hit the bull’s-eye.  It means the arrow has “missed the mark.”

When you look up the word “sin” in the dictionary, it says, 1a :  an offense against religious or moral law b :  an action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible…c :  an often serious shortcoming : 
2a :  transgression of the law of God b :  a vitiated state of human nature in which the self is estranged from God”   [2]

While that definition is true and accurate, I really like the archery definition, “to miss the mark.” It is simple and to the point. When we sin, we are missing the mark - -  God’s best plan is for us.

To follow the archery analogy through, when an archer hears, “sin” he doesn’t just shrug, give up and walk away. He figures out what he is doing wrong and continues to try again and again. So it is with us when we sin - - we must not give up, but repent, pray for forgiveness, and try again.

King David in the Old Testament is a good example of this. In 2 Samuel 11-12, we read about how David wanted another man’s wife so badly,  he sent that man into war to die! When confronted by the prophet Nathan, David admits that he sinned against the Lord. In Psalm 51, we read the depths of David’s repentance and his desire for the Lord’s forgiveness. Even with this sin in his past, David was called a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22)!

We all miss the mark but we must not give up - - we must recognize our mistake, repent, ask the Lord’s forgiveness, and make a change in our lives.

1.  Is there an area in your life where you are “missing the mark”? Are you willing to repent, pray and try again?


[1] “Gospel Journey,” Dare 2 Share Ministries, 2005

Along with being a wife and mother to two boys, Tracy is an administrative assistant at Oakwood, serves on the Women’s Ministry Special Events Team and leads a great group of Junior High girls.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Wanted: Stretcher Bearers
By Carolyn Hulliberger

“Some men arrived carrying a paraplegic on a stretcher. They were looking for a way to get into the house and set him before Jesus. When they couldn't find a way in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof, removed some tiles, and let him down in the middle of everyone, right in front of Jesus.”

Imagine the classified ad: “Help Wanted: Stretcher Bearers. Individuals needed to help carry someone who cannot carry himself. Job requirements include a good sense of balance and a strong back. Patience and compassion are a must. The desired candidates will display creativity in problem solving. No salary is offered, but the benefits are priceless.”

The men in this portion of Scripture demonstrate great characteristics of being a Stretcher Bearer:
  • They recognized the man could not help himself.
  • They interrupted their own activities and got involved.
  • They physically carried the paralyzed man.
  • They encountered a big obstacle when they got to their destination…a huge crowd blocked their access to Jesus.
  • They got creative. Carrying the man up the likely stairs (how precarious that must have been!), they made an opening in the roof over the spot where Jesus was.
  • They worked together as a team to lower their friend through the roof.
Most of us will need a Stretcher Bearer at some point in our lives. My friend, Karen, described Stretcher Bearers that came to her aid when her husband John was nearly killed in a car accident. Karen was five months pregnant with their second child when John was taken by Flight for Life with serious injuries. Stretcher Bearers drove Karen to the trauma hospital an hour away, made meals, babysat her daughter, sat with her in the hospital, decorated their Christmas tree, wrapped her Christmas gifts, cleaned up after their four dogs, did laundry, grocery shopped, and ran an endless number of other errands. Her Stretcher Bearers continued their work for weeks, taking John to rehabilitation appointments, and later, caring for Karen and the new baby. Just as the paralyzed man’s Stretcher Bearers took him to Jesus, Karen’s Stretcher Bearers brought her closer to Jesus as well.

Today, John is fully recovered with only a slight limp when he tires. Baby Xander is an active toddler. And Karen shares her stories of the miracles performed in this crisis, giving praise to God and His provision for her through His people.

Being a Stretcher Bearer may not be a glamorous job, but witnessing a miracle is a priceless benefit!

1. Think of a time when you have needed a Stretcher Bearer. Send a note of appreciation.
2. Is there someone whose burden you can help to carry for a while?


Along with caring for her husband, two children and the dog, Carolyn is an Office Representative for State Farm Insurance, serves in Student Ministries with junior high girls, and is the treasurer for Women’s Ministries.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Into the Valley of the Shadow of Death
By Elin Henderson

“He leads me in the path of righteousness for His name sake. Yeah though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.”

What are we to do when the Shepherd’s path of righteousness leads us straight into the valley of the shadow of death? Aren’t those paths supposed to just go through the green pastures and by the still waters? Isn’t restoration, feeding, and ongoing care all part of His pastoral program for us? Then, what in the world are we doing in the valley of the shadow of death?

Oftentimes, the paths of life do not follow the plans we have in our heads. If we come upon suffering, we automatically think it must be because we strayed off the “straight and narrow” and now find ourselves on the wrong trail. We then conclude that God had to come down and put us through a few dark valleys to remind us to stay on the right path. While that could be true, I can’t help but see these two verses in Psalms 23 side-by-side and ask myself, could suffering and deep need be just what He wants for me right now? I didn’t necessarily stray off the righteous path but rather the righteous path took me straight into the valley of the shadow of death.

Many faithful servants over the years of history faced serious suffering. Not always was it a punishment, but many times it was a test of faith and a soul-strengthener. It is in these valleys full of shadows, fear, death, evil, enemies, and the unknown, that our Good Shepherd reminds us time and time again of His presence, never to leave or forsake us. From entry to exit, there is a change that takes place within us as He demonstrates His watchful care over us.

So, the next time you find yourself heading into a valley, remember that the Shepherd has led you there and He won’t abandon you. Allow Him to guide and direct you through the shadows and the death, and may you emerge on the other side, more in love with your Good Shepherd and with a deeper faith in His guidance, direction and care.

1. What encouragement do you find is Jesus’ purpose and example in suffering for us?
2. How can your valley experience be a help to someone else?

I Peter 2:21, 3:18, 4:19; 2 Corinthians 1:4; Philippians 1:29

Oakwood’s missionaries Elin Henderson (a registered nurse) and her husband Phil serve as church planters with New Tribes in Mozambique, Africa.  Elin is mother to thirteen-year-old Callie and ten-year-old Elias. They are currently in America on Home Assignment.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Thankful Heart is a Happy Heart
By Brita Crouse

“Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it. We may receive it gladly, with thankful hearts.”

When I was in college, I had a psychology professor who started out each week by asking us what we were thankful for from the previous seven days. His reasoning for this weekly ritual was both scientific and spiritual. Every Monday, he would remind us what studies have proven: the positive impact that talking about what you are thankful for has on overall life satisfaction and happiness. The more you talk about your blessings, the happier you will be with your life. Also, talking about your blessings will make you more aware of the ways God is working in your life.

Being the curious college student that I was, I decided to put his theory to the test in a practical way. It was my junior year, infamously the most difficult one. My roommate and I were struggling to stay positive. We both had leadership roles within our dorm, which weighed heavily on us, as well as rigorous academic schedules. Things were rough and our tendency was to complain. A lot. But, putting theory into practice, we decided to make a list of things we were thankful for, hopeful that our attitudes would change.

God works in amazing ways, let me tell you. He changed our pessimistic, cynical attitudes right around when we made that list. Some of the things we put on the list were silly, like the Packers or frozen yogurt. Some of the things were more serious, like each other and our church. But, each item on the list was important to us, and God had somehow used every item to bring us closer to each other and to Him. I would say my professor’s theory was pretty accurate!

It can be so easy to complain about our circumstances. But wishing we were someone else, living somewhere else or doing something else does not change anything. God desires to bless us, but we sure ought to acknowledge those blessings. Sometimes I need to remind myself that I am a religiously free, college-educated, working, independent woman just to give myself some perspective and a change of attitude.

If each of us took more time to think and talk about how blessed we are, I’m sure there would be a lot less complaining and a lot more praising. Even more…we can easily turn our weary, hardened hearts to happy, thankful ones, just by counting our blessings! 

1.  What are ways you can be actively and daily counting your blessings?
2.  Make a list of what you are thankful for this week. Share that list with someone close to you.


Brita recently graduated from Taylor University with a degree in Psychology, and is currently a helper for Oakwood’s Quest 56 and the Just Among Moms weekly childcare team.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I am Special Because…
By Jen Wollner

“You are the one who put me together inside my mother’s body…Even before I was born, you had written in your book everything I would do.”

My daughter’s 1st grade class worked together to create a book titled “I am Special.”  Each child completed the sentence, “My name is ____ and I am special because…” I was fascinated by their answers as they gave me a glimpse into each child’s precious 6-year-old heart. And each illustration was especially entertaining!

As I read through the book with my daughter, I noticed a trend.  More than half of the students said they were special because of their family. They wrote, “I am special because my mom loves me,” or “I am special because I have a brother.”  The rest of the children identified their uniqueness by something they could do.  For instance, “I am special because I’m a good baseball player,” or “I am special because I like to draw.”

Isn’t it interesting that even at a very young age, we judge our worth and identity by where we came from and what we can achieve? I believe this is so because of the way God made us. He designed us to find our identity in Him as our Creator and Heavenly Father (family). And, find our value in the ways in which He works in our lives through the gifts and talents He gave us (achievement).

Unfortunately, we tend to focus on our earthly circumstances and define ourselves by those things instead. We feel good about ourselves because of healthy families, a successful job or stable finances. Or the opposite… a negative self-worth because of a dysfunctional family, unemployment or our “gifting” isn’t like someone else’s. Our emotions and perceptions are often what drive the way we define our identity. Sadly, those things often can - - and do - - change in an instant!

The good news is that’s not the way God intended for us to see ourselves.  He created us to have a deep, intimate relationship with Him so we would know Him and His unconditional love for us. We have value simply because He made us and loves us! He also created us to fulfill purposes in this life that He has planned for us and equipped us for since before we were born. In those things, we find achievement and success for His Glory.

May we be thankful for family and achievement yet remember our worth and identity is truly in Him. “My name is Jen Wollner and I am special because…the Lord loves me and has good plans for my life!”

1. How would you finish this sentence, “My name is ____ and I am special because…”? 
2. What defines your identity?


Jen and her husband are busily parenting three elementary-aged children.  She serves on the leadership team for Mission: Hope, Oakwood’s orphan care ministry.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Understanding Grace
By Tracy Smith

"But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!)"

I recently read A Heart for Freedom by Chai Ling, one of the student leaders in the 1989 Tiananmen Square uprising in China. In writing her memoir, she struggled with how much personal information to include in order to fully tell her story, including sad choices. Her husband especially struggled with her sharing certain things since he feared how people would judge her, until he heard the following at a conference:

"The key to understanding grace, Dr. Keller said, is recognizing that we are all dead in our sins…If we were merely sick in our sins, there would be degrees of illness and degrees of treatment. But dead is dead. When we're dead, we don't need treatment, we need a resurrection, and there is nothing we ourselves can do to bring that about. So grace is not only a free gift from God, it is also indispensable to our lives. On top of that, even though grace is a free gift to us, it was purchased at the price of Jesus' life - - which makes it infinitely costly, as well. If we have received this gift of grace, Dr. Keller continued, which is both indispensable and infinitely costly, on what basis do we look down our noses at others for the sins or wrongs they have committed?" [1]

This made me think of how often we judge others based on our own "pyramid" of sins. To use the sickness analogy from the book: Those sins at the bottom of the pyramid are not so bad, they don't even require medicine! The ones above may need some antibiotics and the ones in the middle may require hospitalization, etc. We look at where we are and judge those around us based on where they are in our own little pyramid. We forget that no matter how we view the sin, the cost was the same - -Jesus’ life!

As Dr. Keller pointed out, the Bible says we were all dead to sin. Not degrees of sickness - - death. We are all in the same place: guilty and in need of a Savior. I wonder what would be different if we refused to judge the sins that bring others to Christ… and what would happen if we all were as transparent as Chai Ling.

1. Whom are you judging and need to extend grace instead?
2. What in your life is God is asking you to be more transparent about?

Romans 3:24; Titus 3:3-7

[1] Ling, Chai, A Heart for Freedom (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2011) 321.

Along with being a wife and mother to two boys, Tracy is an administrative assistant at Oakwood, serves on the Women’s Ministry Special Events Team and leads a great group of Junior High girls.

Monday, November 18, 2013

“Don’t Rob Me”
By Susan Klein

“Freely you have received, freely give.”
Matthew 10:8b (NIV)

Recently while at a flea market, I found myself returning to a table filled with cases of jewelry that had previously caught my eye. There were some particularly unusual pieces that I wanted to revisit. The lady behind the table said, “Feel free to open any of the cases and try things on.” I removed a small necklace that seemed to have two tiny flowers encased in a glass box. After trying it on, I wasn’t really sure about the length so I gently placed it back in the case. The lady, now helping another potential customer, saw me start to move away from the table. “Hold on for a minute,” she beckoned. A few seconds later, she pulled the necklace from the case, looked tenderly into my eyes and said, “God told me to give this to you.” She added, “He didn’t speak in an audible voice, but He spoke to my heart, and I want you to have this.”

Overwhelmed by her sincere gesture, I thanked her, and offered to gladly pay her somethig for it. She replied, “Don’t rob me of my blessing! Why do we so often feel the need to repay someone when they want to bless us? Please, just accept it.” I gratefully did, thanking both her and my amazing God for showing their love to me in this tangible way.

As I sat later, in a beautiful spot in the woods by a stream (being blessed once again), I reflected on this exchange. I imagine God feels much the same at times in His exchanges with us. He desires to freely bless us, yet we still feel we must somehow “pay” Him, or “earn” His blessing. Getting something for nothing is a difficult concept for many. His gift (to us) of Salvation was bought and paid for by someone else, His Son, and it is offered freely to us. Some struggle with this concept. “It’s too simple,” they skeptically proclaim. “We must have to do something in exchange.” Or when an unexpected blessing drops into our lives, we can’t accept that it is truly meant for us, or we question what will be expected in return. I can hear God saying, “Don’t rob me of my blessing! Just accept it.”

This dear woman at the flea market not only had her ears tuned to the voice of God, but she willingly and lovingly obeyed His promptings. She understood that He had freely given her all she had, and she could, in the same way, freely give to others.

1. In what ways might you be wrestling with the concept of God’s “free” gifts to you?
2. Are you being prompted by His Spirit to bless someone else?


Susan enjoys teaching Bible studies, writing, and mentoring. She and her husband Mark enjoy opening their home to those in need.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Lessons from Kickball
By Lexi Ellis

Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults - - unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It’s easy to see a smudge  on your neighbor’s face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer  on your own.
Matthew 7:1-3 (The Message, emphasis added)

I recently noticed something while supervising recess. During kickball, a kicker often sends the ball back to the pitcher, claiming it was too fast or not straight. Automatically, the outfield complains. “Just kick it." "Hurry up!" "That was straight!"  However, when the teams have switched, the once-complainers do the same thing, demanding the “perfect pitch.” Now the new outfield team complains, echoing identical phrases. Back and forth, the outfield complains at the kicker sending the ball back…until it’s their turn.

And while it’s funny to watch, I realized we often do the exact same thing: We’re critical of someone else, but find plenty of excuses for when we do the exact same thing. I’m annoyed when someone is running late, but justify why I’m late myself another time. I make a judgment on someone’s response and then have that same attitude another day. Unfortunately, this isn’t unheard of in the Christian community. We are heartbroken by past prominent Christian leaders who were vocally critical of sin…only to find out they were entrenched in that same struggle.

The paraphrase of the verse above uses “sneers” and “smudges” instead of the common “splinter” and “plank in the eye” translation. If I’m honest, there are times my thoughts quickly jump on someone else’s smudge - - his or her failures or faults. And sadly, our dwelling on this smudge often is, in reality, an attempt to inflate ourselves. How foolish of us! Jesus goes on in this verse to call this what it is: pure hypocrisy. Dwelling on someone else’s smudge and ignoring my own sneer is not only a lack of compassion, it reveals an uglier, judgmental condition of my heart.

Being critical of others’ shortcomings quickly turns into something I use to boost myself up. Unfortunately, because we all have sin and things we’re working on, the things I’m critical of are commonly the very things I am no better at when I remove the excuses I use to make my own faults “different” or “okay.”

It’s pretty silly seeing my kids complain and do the same thing moments later in an easy-going game of kickball at recess. But I’m thankful for the reminder to reject time and energy spent on others’ smudges and choose to invest it in asking for His help in continually addressing my sneers.

1.  Take time to honestly reflect on the time and energy you spend on others’ smudges.  
2.  Take time alone with your God to repent and ask His forgiveness.


Lexi is married to Andrew, serves with Oakwood’s Children’s Ministries, teaches at Lake Country Christian Academy and is the Fresh Start Coordinator.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Can I Have One?
By Jeannine Sawall

  Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

While I like to think I have taught my children to have a generous spirit, occasionally, their generosity can be called into question. While eating, I asked one of my boys if I could have one of his french fries.  He started looking in his bag of fries with diligence. I sat there waiting with great expectation; he must be searching for the best fry in the package! Finally, he pulled one out and handed it to me…a burnt little stub of a fry!!  “Really!?!…this is the best you have for me?” I asked.  “If I give you more, I won’t have enough!” was his reply. I told him he had a WHOLE bag of fries and he could share a few with his mom! He begrudgingly pulled out a couple of decent-looking fries to share.

At first, I was a little miffed at his stinginess. I mean, after all…I paid for those fries…technically, they were ALL mine. Whenever my boys ask to share something I had, I happily handed it over. Hadn’t I modeled a generous spirit to them? As I sat there with my thoughts, it came to me that oftentimes I offer the Lord that same stubby, burnt fry as well. How often had He asked for my time, my energy, my talents and I begrudgingly game Him a few minutes, a half-hearted effort or something less than my best? Everything I had came from His hand… didn’t He deserve better than that?

It’s easy to see others’ lack of generosity, but it’s more difficult to see our own. How often has the Lord asked something of us and we’ve offered him the short, burnt fry? Maybe it’s a ministry you’re being asked to be a part of and you feel you can’t spare the time. Perhaps it’s a friend who needs some encouragement and you just don’t feel you have the energy. Or maybe it’s a talent you’re being asked to share when you are feeling overwhelmed already. We need to consider all we have - - our time, our energy and our talents - - as gifts from the Lord and we need to examine our responses when asked to share them. Sometimes, it is legitimate to say “no,” but often, we are called to say “yes” despite wanting to offer only the short fry! We can trust the Lord to always provide us with enough! 

1.  Where in your life are you offering less than your best to the Lord?
2.  What can you do to trust Him more with your time, talent and energies?


Jeannine is a wife and mother of four active boys. She works in property management and actively walks along those experiencing grief.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Altered Box
By Lisa Boyer

“You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”

Every couple of years at work, we set aside a few days to clean the office. A couple years ago, we were under new management and that management had a much different idea of what clean was. To her, clean was uncluttered - - everything not in use and no longer useful was being discarded. This was serious. A dumpster was literally rolled into our office which we filled several times.

During this process, my coworkers found a few metal card file boxes and I was anxious to know their fate. It didn’t take much to get permission to take them home; after all, they were antiquated office supplies that were no longer useful. But I was excited about having them. I’m sure my coworkers thought I was a bit crazy, but I just couldn’t help it. When I looked at those metal boxes, I didn’t see what they saw; I saw what they would become. The latest crafting buzzword is “altered” and that was my plan for these boxes. If I was successful, those plain metal boxes were going to become works of art.

I altered the outside of the first box with alcohol inks, scrapbook paper and ribbon. I was so happy with how it turned out…until I opened the box. I was so focused on making the outside of the box beautiful, I neglected the inside completely. I had been more concerned with impressing the recipient of the box with its appearance than with the precious possessions the box would someday hold.

It reminded me of how God alters our lives…He begins with the inside…our hearts…He even moves into our hearts in the form of the Holy Spirit. Being altered by God takes a lifetime because we are being altered into His image, from the inside out. Over time He is seen on the outside through our actions, smiles, and attitudes. We are His work of art!

By the way, I brought two of the altered boxes to work to show my coworkers…suddenly, everyone wanted one of those old metal boxes!

1. Have you been more concerned about your outward appearance than the condition of your heart? Today, will you pray and ask God to alter you into His image from the inside out?
2. As you interact with other believers, will you extend them grace, remembering that they too are in the midst of the altering process?

1 Samuel 16:7; 2 Corinthians 3:18; 1 John 3:2

Lisa has been married to Ted for more than 20 years and they have two teenage sons. Lisa administers Fresh Start’s Facebook and blog, and loves hanging out with and impacting teenage girls for Christ.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Stripping Season
By Karen D’Amore

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up.”

A hush befalls summer as it slips into seasonal slumber. The transition into autumn stimulates my senses into over-drive, with bursts of brilliant scarlet, crimson and gold dotting the landscape. As Mother Nature stirs with climatic nuances… the winterization process begins its descent… one falling leaf at a time. Awed by nature’s cyclic phenomenon, I was drawn to explore the scientific intricacies of autumn.

Research disclosed that tree roots, branches and twigs can endure freezing temperatures; however, most leaves are too fragile and cannot. Plant tissue too fragile to endure the harsh winter freeze must be sealed off and shed to ensure a tree’s survival.  As the autumn sunlight decreases, veins transporting sap within the leaves will gradually close. A separation layer of cells then form at the base of the leaf stem. Once this layer is complete, the leaf is separated from the tissue that connects it to the branch…and it falls off. [1]

In the Midwest, autumn reflects vivid brushstrokes from the paintbrush of God. The landscape - - chameleon-like in its changing colors - - transforms from lush to barren as trees are stripped bare of their leaves. Learning of the necessity for the trees to be stripped of their leaves in order for them to survive drew me to see parallels in the believer’s spiritual life.

As Christ-followers, we must undergo a similar stripping process. In order to be “transformed into the likeness of Christ” (2 Corinthians 3:18b, NIV), there are attributes from our old self and old life which must be stripped from our lives. This stripping process is critical to our spiritual survival.  God’s work in His stripping process calls us to discard…not accumulate. He spurs us to toss ungodly traits or habits, purge impure thoughts, put off carnal attitudes and repent of sin. “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self…” (Ephesians 4:22a, NIV).

Just as nature eventually replaces leaf-stripped autumn trees with new leaves, we must replace our stripped away carnal traits, with new Christ-like attributes. “Be made new in the attitude of your minds…putting on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:22b).
“Autumn is a symphony of permanence and change.”
--Bonaro Overstreet [2]

As you succumb to the changing season, invite spiritual revival. Be stripped for the sake of holiness and be changed!

1. Pray to be stripped of anything hindering your spiritual growth.


Married to Dan, Karen, a retired police officer, currently works as a Manicurist at Craig Berns Salon and Foot Care Specialist at Shorehaven Senior Facility. She’s on the Oakwood Women’s Ministry Special Events planning team.

Monday, November 11, 2013

By Tracy Smith

“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

For Veteran’s Day, I’ve been thinking about our nation’s protectors and all they do for us. Throughout the years, the men and women of our Armed Forces have sacrificed much to keep us safe and free. As I continued thinking about Veteran’s Day and our military, it occurred to me that they could not do their jobs and make the sacrifices they make without the proper tools and protection.

Today’s soldiers do not go into battle without the proper equipment: helmet, eye protection, bulletproof body armor, boots, weapons, armored vehicles, etc. Each one of these tools has a purpose for their protection. Without them, their jobs would be much more difficult, if not impossible.

The same is true in the life of a Christ follower. Our battle is not a battle against human foes, but against those that are not of this world, and we must be prepared. Ephesians 6:12 says, For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”   Verses 13-17 go on to outline the tools and equipment we have at our disposal to fight the battle.

“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

As we start each day, we need to make sure that we are going into battle with all that we need: the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit.

Just as our soldiers would not go into battle without the proper gear, neither should we.

1.  Which one of the tools mentioned in Ephesians 6:13-17 do you tend to forget you have at your disposal? Will you pray for a change?
2.  Do you know  veterans or someone who is currently serving? If so, please use this day to thank them for their service.


Along with being a wife and mother to two boys, Tracy is an administrative assistant at Oakwood, serves on the Women’s Ministry Special Events Team and leads a great group of Junior High girls.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Yup...Still on our Side
By Lexi Ellis

The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.
    What can mere mortals do to me?”

He said it again. I have a tendency to critically over-think. In healthy doses, it’s reflective learning. But when entertained for too long, it’s unhealthy and obsessive. I ultimately self-sabotage with self-inflicted, unobtainable expectations. I always end up failing. My husband knows this and when I verbalize these thoughts, his response is always the same, “You’re the only one not on your team. Everyone else is on your side.”

Poor guy, over seven years, he still says it every so often. When he said it again, I realized sometimes I need that encouraging reminder.

That reminder goes beyond my thinking habits. I think of circumstances - - from all parts of life and varying in all kinds of ways - - where we need the reminder that God is on our side. I think of circumstances like a lost job, a challenging relationship, an unknown future. In spite of different circumstances, God is on our side.

I also think of how easy it is - - regardless of the specifics - - for fear to become crippling in the roles God has called us to fill. I think of the countless ways we feed into the lie that we let others down: continually failing at our jobs, as moms, as wives, in ministry. In spite of all these different types of roles, God is on our side.

Whatever it is - - circumstance or role - - know this: He’s never left. Who can be against us? Whom shall we fear? Though we often need the reminders, He will carry His good work out until completion (Philippians 1:6). He is a faithful God - - whose promises we can hold to - -  who, yup…is still on our side!

You hear me when I call
You are my morning song.
Though darkness fills the night
It cannot hide the light.

Whom shall I fear?

You crush the enemy
Underneath my feet.
You are my sword and shield
Though troubles linger still.

Whom shall I fear?

I know who goes before me,
I know who stands behind.
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side.

The one who reigns forever;
He is a friend of mine.
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side.

My strength is in Your name
For You alone can save.
You will deliver me;
Yours is the victory.

Whom shall I fear?

And nothing formed against me shall stand!
You hold the whole world in Your hands.
I'm holding on to Your promises.

You are faithful![1]

1.  Take time today to listen to Chris Tomlin’s song, “Whom Shall I Fear.”
2. What parts are meaningful to you?


[1] Chris Tomlin, “Whom Shall I Fear,” Burning Lights, 2013, sixstepsrecords

Lexi is married to Andrew, serves with Oakwood’s Children’s Ministries, teaches at Lake Country Christian Academy and is the Fresh Start Coordinator.