Tuesday, January 16, 2018

How Great...in all Times
By Lexi Cole Ellis
Shout, and sing for joy, O inhabitant of Zion,
    for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.
Isaiah 12:6 (ESV)
As I was planning our wedding several years ago, I spent a lot of time choosing our wedding music. I searched and researched...reading playlists from Google, scouring YouTube for songs and reading all the bridal magazines for ideas. I wanted something meaningful but something different. For one of the songs, I ended up picking Chris Tomlin’s “How Great Is Our God.” The first thing we wanted to proclaim after we said our vows was that God is great.

How great is our God
Sing with me
How great is our God
And all will see
How great, how great is our God 

The song ended up being poignant, representing a dualism of emotions. A month before my wedding, after most of the details had been finalized and deposits had been made, my dad unexpectedly lost his job. Our family didn’t see it coming and it ushered in a season where I had the privilege of watching my parents trust God in ways they hadn’t needed to before. In the midst of pure joy with our wedding, there was a continual choice of needing to trust God for His timing in revealing His plan for my dad and his future employment. It was a weird combination of emotions...after dating Andrew for almost six years, there was the excitement and the absolute certainty that this was what I wanted. But I also had to deal with my anger at what I considered an injustice for my dad and uncertainty at what would be next.

As I listened to the song over and over again to plan out the timing for lighting the unity candle, I started studying the words. I realized that this was a song that could be sung in the heights of joy and the depths of unknown. God is great....in all times.

Though our circumstances differ, though our emotions at this present moment may vary, He is the “name above all names, worthy of all praise.” [1] Despite the trial or blessing, despite the pain or rejoicing, we have the opportunity to make a conscious choice, one that cries (in tears or in joy), “my heart will sing, How great is our God.” [1]

1.      Think of life at this present moment. If you had to pick one or the other, is it more joy or more tribulation?
2.      What do you need to do today to confidently sing of God’s greatness despite what’s going on?


Lexi and her husband, Andrew, have an adorable dog named Calvin. Lexi teaches sixth grade Reading and Writing. She serves with Children’s Ministries and is the Fresh Start Coordinator.