Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Crisis and Journey
By Carolyn Hulliberger

“A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds.”
Proverbs 31:10 (The Message, paraphrase)

I’ve been on a journey the last two years. It started with one of those momentous times of change in a mother’s life…her child’s senior year of high school. Every event felt bittersweet during this year of “lasts." The most difficult part during this time was asking God, “What’s next for ME?”

A crisis of sorts began. I felt led to stop actively ministering in most of my “formal” capacities. I needed space and time to transition to this new stage of life. For an ultra-involved person like myself, this was HARD. God had some new things in mind, and He was leading me to make some room for them.

God made it clear that He has placed a tremendous need to nurture in my heart. defines nurturing as “to feed or protect; to support and encourage; foster; to bring up; train; educate.” Parenting has been my primary method of fulfilling that need for nearly 20 years. Even though my family’s stage is changing - - my internal needs are not. This was such a huge and freeing revelation!

So my journey began…finding new ways to nurture. Here is what God has laid out for me so far:

1.  For years, I have wanted to volunteer with our local women’s shelter. God put it on my heart to become an on-call advocate. In this role, I respond by providing safe transport for someone who needs to stay at the shelter. I also respond to the hospital if there has been an assault victim who requests support. I nurture strangers.

2. I have invested more time in one-on-one relationships. These appointments happen randomly; sometimes it’s lunch, sometimes late evening texts, etc… But I have the availability for these relationships. I nurture friends.

3. Work responsibilities have expanded with a new side job. I nurture the family/college finances.

4. I want to be healthy, both emotionally and physically, for the years ahead. That means making exercise and stress management a new priority. I nurture myself.

So what does this have to do with the Proverbs 31 woman? Take a look at verses 10-31. She nurtures all over the place! She’s a businesswoman, provides for the family and is generous to the poor. She enjoys her life. She is kind, pleasant, wise and has tremendous stamina.

I want to be like her when I grow up, don’t you?

1.   God has given all of us gifts. Have you taken the time to figure out what yours might be?
2.   Are you using the gifts you’ve been given?


Carolyn shares her life adventure with her husband, Alan, and two children. She works as an insurance representative and virtual assistant. She serves at Oakwood as a small group co-leader.