Tuesday, September 3, 2013

By Vernette Kureck

“The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of our God stands forever”
Isaiah 40:8 (NKJV)

It is time to approach my flowerpots and the garden with cutting shears and determination. The frequent spring rains and warm days of summer have created a glorious splash of colors among the perennials and annuals. However, they are looking a bit leggy and spent now in some areas, so it is time to do some pruning and deadheading, which is cutting off the dead blooms before they go to seed. This will send new vigor down to the roots stimulating new growth and more flowers. Sometimes it seems hurtful to the plant, but in the end, it creates a better specimen, hence my determination.

As I pruned, the verse from John 15:2  came into my head…“Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away, and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit” (NIV). Snipping away the dead and stressed parts of the plant was providing a nice spiritual lesson. Isaiah 40:8 says the Word of our God stands forever. So after checking my concordance, I found a few things the Word says to prune.

In the middle of Ephesians, Paul writes about an edifying lifestyle. This is practical advice on how to build up the church body. Beginning in Chapter 4 verse 25, he mentions a number of things to put away, or cut off. A big one is falsehood, including little white lies - - we are to speak the truth. We are to prune anger - - not all anger is sin, but if it is consuming, it will give the devil a foothold. Thievery or dishonest work ethics need to be stopped. Unwholesome, corrupting talk or gossip…cut it off. Get rid of every kind of bitterness, which stems from lack of forgiveness, as well as rage, slander, brawling and malice. When these are pruned off, the Holy Spirit will regenerate us with kindness, compassion and forgiveness.

Heavenly Father, thank you that you do not leave us in our natural state, but that You have your pruning shears sharp and ready to remove the “deadheads” from our lives. Thank you that we are a work in progress, always growing and becoming more like Jesus. Help us to relinquish those “deadheads” that are not pleasing to you, and renew us with your precious Holy Spirit through your Holy Word which lasts forever. We give You all the glory. Amen.

1. What other attitudes, habits or behaviors can you find to deadhead?


Vernette and her husband Ken have been married 44 years and have 2 sons. They have been blessed with eight grandchildren. She serves Oakwood on the prayer chain.