Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Missed Opportunities
By Becci Terrill

“Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity.”

The day started out just like every other day - - read my Bible, shower, get ready for work, let the dogs out, eat breakfast - - the typical routine, until one of my dogs decided he was going to give me some love, and put his paws on my lap. Now, those of you who love dogs are thinking “Aw… how precious,” and the rest of you are wondering, “Okay, where is this leading?”  Well, the dog had just come inside, and his paws were covered with dirt. To make matters worse, today was the day I thought cream-colored trousers would be the perfect thing to wear, and they were…until their contact with dirty doggy paws! 

Fortunately, when paws met pants, I didn’t yell…but even Champ knew he needed to vacate my lap IMMEDIATELY!  Questions raced: “Is this dirt going to come out?” “What can I wear now?” “How late will I be for work?”   

It wasn’t until I was driving to work that I saw the big picture and realized I’d missed an opportunity. My devoted friend had made a special effort to show his affection to me, and I, caught up in selfish concerns, had missed the meaning of the moment and an opportunity to respond to his love.  

The situation made me stop and think: How many other opportunities do I miss during the day?  I get so caught up in my life, activities and business. Unlike faithful canine companions, people aren’t always as forgiving of my selfish behavior. Colossians 4:5 instructs us to “live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity.” Instead of being wrapped up in my own life, I want to be aware of the people around me and intentionally share the love of Jesus with them. Sometimes all we have is the moment - - one opportunity to respond or reach out to another individual. We may never know how impactful a smile, a kind word, a listening ear or a hug will be in the life of another, but God does. I don’t want to look back on a missed opportunity with another person and think, “I should have done this, or said that…” 

God got my attention with some dirty doggy paws and cream-colored pants. My attention is focused in the right direction now…I don’t want to miss an opportunity to impact a life for eternity! 

1. Who or what has God placed in your life right now that is pleading for or demanding your attention?
2. Instead of considering this an “inconvenience,” consider:  How might God use me to minister to this individual or group? 


Becci is a wife and mother of two adult daughters and is the Director of Ministry Partnerships at Shepherds Ministries in Union Grove, WI.  She serves as WE Women’s Special Events Coordinator and teaches 4th grade Sunday School.