Wednesday, September 11, 2013

“Sin Stinks”
By Jeannine Sawall

"For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing."

Once as I was standing by the kitchen sink, an overpowering stench filled the room. It was bitter and smelled a bit like burning rubber… SKUNK!! I ran to the door to let the dogs in, hoping they were neither the cause nor the victims of this tremendous odor. Too late. Once Google did its job and gave us a recipe, it was off to the bath for them both. While the formula we used helped quite a bit, it took several washings of the dogs to remove the smell.

As I have continued to deal with the “de-skunking” of my home and pets, I’ve thought that if we could truly smell the sin in our lives - - like the odor of a skunk - - we would be repulsed by it, as well. My dogs got into trouble because they didn’t heed the skunk’s warning; they continued forward, and not only did they pay for it, it affected everyone around them. When we continue down a path toward sin, the Holy Spirit is always prompting us to turn the other way. He warns us that trouble is ahead; however, if we insist on going down that path, we will eventually get our own way and the stink of sin will cling to us. If only we could see and smell sin like we do a skunk, we would not want to get anywhere close to it.  

The problem with sin is that it lures you in with a sweet fragrance. Only once you’ve indulged, can you smell it for what it really is. Fortunately, when we turn from trouble and repent of our sins, the blood of Jesus washes us clean and makes us sweet-smelling. Yes, sometimes we are left with consequences after poor decisions, but there is no lingering odor of sin that clings to us. Jesus makes us fresh and clean. 

The next time sin comes to tempt us with its sweet smell, let’s remember that’s only its disguise: Sin stinks! It will take us further than we ever wanted to go, and cost us more than we were willing to pay. It will affect those around us, even if we don’t want it to. We need to heed the Holy Spirit’s warnings. When we allow God’s grace to triumph over our human frailty, we experience the sweet fragrance of God in our lives and become sweet-smelling to those around us.  

1. Where in your life is the stink of sin clinging? Ask the Lord for forgiveness and experience His sweet fragrance of forgiveness.
2. What type of odor are you leaving in the lives of those around you? Ask the Lord help you leave a refreshing fragrance everywhere you go.


Jeannine is a wife and mother of four active boys. She works in the property management business. Jeannine is actively involved in ministry to those walking through grief.