Thursday, September 5, 2013

Turning a Mess Into a MESSage
By Karen D’Amore

“In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering.”

Their life emulated that of a stereotypical American family, a life admired and possibly envied. Living comfortably in a lovely “white-picket fenced” home, the husband’s lucrative job provided well for the family. The wife was a loved and well-respected ministry leader in a local church. Two of their daughters were preparing for their first and third years of college. Their third daughter, a recent college graduate, was weeks away from getting married. They were living the DREAM!

The husband’s sudden job loss was a shock to the family. Staring uncertainty in the face, my friend wrestled through her personal angst, encouraging and supporting her husband. Her highly visible ministry position meant walking through this difficult time with multitudes of spectators. And with front row seats to the “testing of her faith,” many could be impacted by her story.

Called to speak at a church luncheon, she was challenged by the “worship” theme to identify object(s) of personal worship. Illuminating personal truths, God drew her to recognize misdirected worship, or “worth-ship” (as she described it), being placed on her husband’s bank account. Spring-boarding from a platform of adversity - - and its inherent refining lessons - - she delivered an emotionally raw message. Concluding with Psalm 95:6-7a…“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for He is our God…” (NIV)…she tearfully dropped to her knees.

Overcome with emotion, I was touched by my friend’s powerful, transparent message. Evoked from the introspective stir of her mess…were humbling and convicting revelations! In response to her personal convictions, women were spurred to re-evaluate their own object(s) of worship.

For twelve months, through her messy circumstances, I witnessed my friend’s deepened worship and trust in God. Now, in view of my own husband’s recent joblessness, I too am walking in my friend’s shoes, resonating deeply with her “mess.” But more importantly, I’m finding hope and encouragement in my friend’s MESSage, moving me to peacefully bow down in worship and kneel before my Maker.

Scripture warns of the troubles we’ll face in this world. Joblessness, illness, death of loved ones, relational conflicts…just a few of the troublesome “messes” we may experience.  As Christ-followers, those “messes” can make us bitter…or they can make us better. If we allow God to infiltrate our messy circumstances, working out His plan…He will surely be glorified. Desiring that nothing go to waste, God resolves to redeem everything for His good purposes - - turning our trials into triumphs - - our tests into testimonies…and our messes in MESSages!

1.  Is there a God-redeemable message in your mess?


Married to Dan, Karen, a retired police officer, currently works as a Manicurist at Craig Berns Salon.  She’s on Oakwood Women’s Special Events Team.