Friday, September 27, 2013

Treasured, Well-Worn Bible
By Karen D’Amore

“Your promise has been tested through and through, and I, your servant, love it dearly.”
Psalm 119:140 (The Message)

One of my treasured Bibles is show-cased and shelved…too fragile for daily  use. Detached pages fall loosely from the cracked and worn binder; a strong leather cover is now necessary to hold the book intact. Periodically, my fingers take a reflective journey through the tattered and torn, colorfully-inscribed pages. Every wrinkled corner marks a moment where I paused to meet with God. Margin notes glean sermon notes, lessons learned, fulfilled prayers and pivotal dates. The variegation of colors highlight and segregate heart-provoking spiritual truths. And on those pages where tear-stained ink blurs the inscribed words, I pause to recall the circumstances behind those tears.

The well-worn pages of my treasured Bible reflect “my” story. Purchased in 1989, weeks after a drunk driver nearly ended my life, “this” Bible denotes the beginning of my new life in Christ. Drawn back into a deep personal relationship with Jesus, this Bible became my lifeline to Him. Physically battered and broken from the accident, I was forced by repetitive surgeries to remain sedentary for nearly a year. During that time, my treasured Bible never left my side.

Through every step of pain…cry for comfort…longing for assurance…quest for wisdom…need for direction and exercise of faith…God met me in the pages of that Bible. And just as a strong leather cover now holds my tattered Bible intact, God became the strong-arm that held my life together.

Every time I tiptoe through the frail pages of my treasured Bible, I resonate with the words of Charles Spurgeon: “A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.” (1) Literally falling apart at the seams, my well-worn Bible portrays the transformational journey of my life; a life that was  frayed and falling apart…but rescued and held together by our Savior.

My treasured, well-worn Bible has been in my life for twenty-four years. Reflecting the priceless love story between me and Jesus, page after page speaks of His grace, mercy and faithfulness. Today, this Bible remains one of my greatest sources of encouragement. Worn out from excessive use, it draws me to recall those countless hours spent meeting with, and learning about, my precious Lord.

In the busyness of life, consistent time in The Word often gets “shelved.” Personal experience has taught me that in those times of isolation and separation from seems to fall apart. Displaying personally-inscribed remnants of my faith-journey, my treasured, well-worn Bible inspires me to wear out my current Bible faithfully, dependently and continually.

So…what’s falling apart…your Bible or your life?!

1. What story does your Bible tell about your  life?


A retired police officer, Karen is a Manicurist at Craig Berns Salon and a Footcare Specialist at Shorehaven Senior Facility. She’s on the Oakwood Women’s Special Events team, co-leads a Wednesday Night Community group, and is married to Dan.