Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Keeping Burnout At Bay
By Susan Klein

“And David was greatly distressed; for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.”
1 Samuel 30:6 (KJV)

Having been “on the run” since fleeing King Saul, David eventually settles in Gath, and becomes a mighty warrior and the favored servant of King Achish. Preparing his men for a large battle, King Achish tells David he cannot fight and must return to his home. Disappointed and bewildered at the king’s request, since he knows how much trust the king has placed in him, David and his men return to find their town raided and burned by the Amalekites, and their women and children taken captive. David and his men weep aloud until they have no strength left to weep. As if that is not devastating enough, his own men become so embittered that they want to place blame on David and even speak of stoning him!

At this point, no one could possibly blame David for giving up! He has served his king, fought relentlessly, and faithfully led his army. And for what? The thanks for his hard work is to be told to “go home.” Adding insult to injury, he finds his town destroyed and his family, along with everyone else’s, carried off by the enemy. And then, while weeping in great distress, his trusted friends choose to place blame on him. Talk about burnout! I’d probably throw in the towel and head for the hills! “No thank-you! I don’t need this job anymore! You can’t pay me enough to stay at this.” Sound a tiny bit familiar?

But this is not what David does. He is not about to succumb to burnout! Verse 6 says he encouraged himself in, or found strength in, the Lord. The word “encouraged” here can be interpreted to be fortified, repaired, to prevail, recover, strengthen and withstand. David takes a “time out,” and fortifies himself with what we could infer is some intense alone time with his God. He finds renewed strength and endurance in the only One who can give it to him. He doesn’t let his emotions get the best of him when the chips are down. He goes for some refueling!

After his much-needed time with God, he finds himself not only refreshed, but with renewed purpose, ready to go after the raiders of his town. And he is rewarded by carrying with him God’s blessing and promise to recover all that was taken from him.

1. How do you tend to respond to the pressures of your job or of life? Just as David and Jesus himself did, don’t forget to spend some alone time with God being refreshed and refueled.

Psalm 28:6-8

Susan is our Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Coordinator and one of its teachers.  She is also involved in inner city outreach.