Thursday, January 2, 2014

God-Honoring Legacy
By Karen D’Amore

“…Go and make disciples of all nations…”

When Chuck Smith became pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in 1965, the church was struggling with twenty-five members. Knowing his willing servant’s heart and zeal to live out Scripture, God would stir in his heart as no other preceding him. Welcoming “outsiders” who didn’t fit the stereotypical Christian mold, he opened his church doors to “barefooted, floor-sitting hippies”…catapulting the Jesus Movement of the late 60’s-early 70’s into reality. “His decision to dispense with the traditional liturgy, replace pipe organs with electric guitars, preach from the pulpit in Hawaiian shirts” and invite “come-as-you-are worshipers” became “the ‘new paradigm’ for…Christian mega-churches…His amalgam of fire-and-brim stone theology and avuncular charm” made him a successful shepherd with the youth of that culture.[1]

Pastor Chuck altered the landscape of Christian music (hymns) by embracing modern worship and giving birth to Maranatha music, one of the first contemporary Christian recording companies in the U.S. Also known for his straightforward, expository teaching verse by verse, chapter by chapter through the Bible, his life truly reflected the Gospel message of Christ.

On October 3, 2013, physical death ushered Pastor Chuck into the presence of God for eternity. Faithfully ministering until the end, he preached three sermons from his wheelchair three days prior to his death. The legacy Pastor Chuck leaves behind is a powerful testament to what God can do with a willing servant. Growing that small struggling church into a worldwide movement for Jesus, Calvary Chapel ministries now span the globe with over 1600 church plants, satellite networks, and fifty affiliate Bible college campuses worldwide.

Forbidding his accomplishments to define him, he maintained an unflinching commitment to God’s Word. He remained a humble servant of Christ, crediting Jesus for every good work in his life.

Pastor Chuck’s ministry made a tremendous impact on my life as a teenager during the Jesus Movement. The contemporary worship and Pastor Chuck’s innate ability to make Scripture come alive drew me to seek a relationship with Jesus.

Joining thousands of viewers worldwide for Pastor Chuck’s memorial service, I was overcome with emotion. As the music and stories drew me back to that pivotal decision to follow Jesus, I was touched and inspired by the legacy of my personal spiritual giant. Each story and memory memorialized the life of a faithful servant who pointed multitudes to Jesus. Impacting an entire generation…Pastor Chuck leaves behind a God-honoring legacy!

Challenged by Pastor Chuck’s inspiring legacy, I am compelled to consider my legacy. Desiring to emulate this spiritual icon, I now strive to live a life that too will leave a…God-honoring legacy!

1. What legacy do you hope to leave?



Married to Dan, Karen, a retired police officer, currently works as a Manicurist at Craig Berns Salon and Foot Care Specialist at Shorehaven Senior Facility. She’s on the Oakwood Women’s Ministry Special Events planning team.