Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Waiting for the Master's Return
by Kelley Kuphall

“Watch, therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.”

My son and I were waiting in the car while my husband made a quick run into the store. Knowing there would be a delay in getting home, I was already getting antsy. My son’s repeating the same knock-knock joke for the 12th time wasn't funny anymore either! 

As I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, I saw something that gave me a happy distraction. There was a truck that pulled up next to us with this beautiful dog in the backseat. I've always loved dogs and while I was impatiently waiting for our hot ham & rolls, I enjoyed watching this glorious pup.

It’s a common picture…perhaps you’ve seen the same: He barked once when his owner got out and walked into the store, but then he was silent. As much noise as my seven-year-old was making, that dog was not distracted. He was watching and waiting for his Master's return. He never took his eyes off those doors where his owner disappeared, except to move his head to get a better view when something blocked his way.  He knew his Master would come back, and he was committed to waiting.

Oh, for us to be like that loyal friend. To be faithful, waiting for our Lord's return. To not let the chaos of the world distract us from being prepared or doing what we can to lead others to be prepared. It's easy to plan the next week or month, and I find myself thinking about the next big years: my son's birthdays, graduation, traveling, etc. But what am I doing to plan for the King's return?

I've been humming this old hymn lately, but I could only remember certain parts.  Looking up the words, I found it more meaningful than just the chorus that I was remembering.

“Faithful and true would He find us here, If He should come today?
Watching in gladness and not in fear, If He should come today?
Signs of His coming multiply, morning light breaks in eastern sky;
Watch, for the time is drawing nigh, What if it were today?
Glory, glory! Joy to my heart ‘twill bring,
Glory, glory! When we shall crown Him King;
Glory, glory! Haste to prepare the way;
Glory, glory! Jesus will come someday.”
                                                 -Leila Morris, What If It Were Today  [1]

1.      How will He find you waiting?
2.      What would it look like if we were "watching in gladness and not in fear"?


Kelley’s a wife and mom who works part-time at a Christian counseling clinic and has a personal direct sales business. Kelley serves with Oakwood’s worship team and is the coordinator for the HeartLove Place Birthday Cake ministry.