Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Good  Sunday
 By Elin Henderson

“And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said: ‘Father, into your hands I commit My spirit.’ Having said this, He breathed His last...Then, they (the angels) said to them, ‘He is not here, but is risen!’ ”

Things had definitely not gone as planned. Jesus’ followers knew that He was supposed to be the Savior, the Victor, the Conqueror come to rescue them from captivity, yet here He was, hanging lifeless on a cross. It was hardly a Good  Friday for them. It was the day hope died. Imagine the questions, the anxieties, the turmoil taking place in their hearts and minds!

Oh, but we know the rest of the story. The cross, Good  Friday, was not the climax, it was merely a crisis that moved us towards the climax. The climax came on Good  Sunday when the miracle of RESURRECTION occurred. God breathed life back into Christ’s body, and with one swift blow defeated sin and death forever!     

Many are the days when our lives mirror Good  Friday. The plans we had, our dreams, our hopes, everything gets shattered on one, sad day. We wonder, “What will happen now? How in the world will we ever move past this?” What we need is a little Good   Sunday resurrection power! And, you know what? We have it! That “exceeding greatness of His power…which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead…” (Ephesians 1:19-20) is alive and active on our behalf today! He takes our dead and lifeless plans, dreams and hopes and infuses resurrection life back into them. 

Maybe today you are in the crisis of a not-so-Good  Friday. Take hope, the CLIMAX has not been reached yet. Wait for His resurrection power and get ready to rejoice in an amazing Good   Sunday to come!!!

GOING DEEPER:                                                       
1.      Are you facing a Good  Friday crisis today? How do these truths and verses give you hope?
2.      Can you think of any other stories in the Word where all hope was lost, the crisis seemed like the climax, but instead, God had a resurrection Good  Sunday planned? (Ex: Israel and the Red Sea in Exodus 14, David’s life over and over again like in 1 Samuel 23)


Oakwood’s missionaries Elin Henderson (a registered nurse) and her husband Phil serve as church planters with New Tribes in Mozambique, Africa.  Elin is mother to sixteen-year-old Callie and fourteen-year-old Elias.