Wednesday, August 8, 2018

By Tracy Smith

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”

While a road trip a few years ago, we were playing CDs we’ve had for years. One 20-year-old song is one I’ve always loved, but have not heard in a while. The song is sung by the band Big Tent Revival and is called “Two Sets of Jones’.” The song is a modern retelling of the Wise Man/Foolish Man parable. It tells a tale of two young families. One family builds its foundation on money, success and material things. The other builds its foundation on Jesus. The chorus goes like this:

And the rain, came down,
And it blew the four walls down
And the clouds they rolled away
And one set of Jones' was standing that day

The song goes on to talk about how the family with the wrong foundation falls apart through hard times while the other family stays strong. 

The parable is found is found in Matthew 7:24-27. Jesus points out that those who hear His words and put them into practice are like the wise man who builds his house on the rock. When the winds and rains come, the house is standing in the end. Those that hear His words and ignore them are like the man who builds his house on the sand. When the wind and rain come, the house crashes down because the foundation was not firm.

The song asks two important questions. The first: “Is your life built on the rock of Christ Jesus or a sandy foundation you’ve managed to lay?” [1]

There are so many sandy foundations we can build our lives on: money, success, looks, education, earthly relationships, careers, etc. Each of us has to look into our own hearts to see what sandy foundation beckons to us.

I’ll end with question number two from the song: “There’s two sets of Jones’, which one will you be?” [1]

1.  What is the sandy foundation you struggle with? What can you do to avoid using that as your foundation?
2.  The video for the song shows the story of the song, watch it here at this link (plus you get a flashback to 90’s styles!):


Along with being a wife and mother to two teenage sons, Tracy is a ministry assistant at Oakwood and works with a great group of Junior High girls.