Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Embracing Today
By Sarah Walker

“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us).
Matthew 1:23 (ESV)

When I was in middle school, several of the margins of my notebooks contained two words: “If only…” I was looking for a way to escape my reality. The “if onlys” of life had gripped me. If only I fit in. If only it was a few years down the road. If only I was out of this season of life. If only I had self-esteem. If only…

Sometimes, we find ourselves reacting the same way I did. Sometimes, we choose to wish away our current life situation, singularly focused on the “if onlys.” Other times, we obsess over waiting for tomorrow to come, just biding our time until our situations change. We might tell ourselves…When this happens, then I will choose to live again.

Sometimes we are so focused on what we can’t do - - that we miss out on what we can do in our current situation. In my third trimester of pregnancy, there have been days when I have barely been able to move around my house. Some of those days, I have given in to the despair and a bleak outlook. But other days, I have chosen to ask myself… What can I do today?  It might not be much, but there is usually something I can accomplish. Even if it is as simple as reading a story to my three-year-old on the couch, I must choose to see that as doing something.

Whether or not you like where life finds you now, God is with you. Right where you are at. You don’t need the situation to improve or the future to arrive for God to be with you. Jesus came all those years ago and was given the name Immanuel, meaning “God with us.” He came so He could be with us in our todays. Yes, He will be with us in our tomorrows too, but there are moments in today where He desires to reveal Himself to us. In those moments, we have a choice of whether or not we respond to Him. Will we do what He is asking us to do…today?

Regardless of the “if onlys” and the “when tomorrow comes” ways of thinking that might tempt us, Jesus is with us in whatever our today looks like. After all, Jesus is our Immanuel - - our God with us - - today.

1.    Where do you see God in your current situation?
2.    Even if the list of “cannots” feels long, what can  you do today?

Sarah is married to Scott and is a full-time mom to their two young sons. She and Scott are involved in a small group focused on prayer and are expecting to welcome their third son in January.