Tuesday, January 15, 2019

No “I Don’t Knows”
By Lexi Cole Ellis

“Lord, you have examined me and know all about me.

Recently, we had a student teacher work join our team. During our prep time, she was getting ready for a conference with a student. I happened to be in the room as she read his book, looking for pieces that he would struggle with ahead of time. Suddenly she sighed, looked up from her work, and said to me, “How am I supposed to know what to prepare for him if I don’t know what he doesn’t know?” The question caught me off guard as I fumbled an answer back, trying to encourage her.

Despite my probably lame answer, it got me thinking. In teaching, a lot of times we do identify what our students will struggle with ahead of time and plan supports to help them even before we introduce the skill. There’s no magic crystal ball so I pondered her question: How do we know what they won’t know?

And then I realized. I know what they will not know because I know them.  I know my students’ challenges, their strengths, their passions, their wiring and their interests. All of these things mesh together as I work to preemptively identify the barriers they’ll face, and what I can do to remove those barriers in their learning.

Being the ever-perfect Teacher, God is impeccable at this. He's the Master of this because He knows us intimately. He's created us. He loves us vastly. And He's for us. God preemptively removed the barrier of our rebellion and sin and had a perfect plan from day one for our reconciliation and redemption. From knowing the plans He has for us, to creating our inmost being, to gifting us with spiritual gifts based on our wiring and giving us strengths that will allow for His Kingdom work…God fully and beautifully knows us. [1]

There are no “I don't knows” when it comes to God's teaching. Every day, His perfect way reveals how beautifully He knows our challenges, our strengths, our passions, our wiring and our interests.

Today, may we be reminded that God is our perfect Teacher. May we turn to worship because we are so thankful that our God has a plan for us. May we rejoice in the fact that when it comes to God and knowing us, there’s never a moment where He says, “I don’t know.”

Going Deeper:
  1. Take time today to jot down or reflect on the ways that God is your perfect Teacher. Consider reading through Psalm 139.
  2. In what ways has He proven that He knows you?

Further Reading:

Lexi’s family includes her husband, Andrew, her daughter, Sloane, and her dog, Calvin. She teaches sixth grade Reading and Writing and serves with Children’s Ministries.