Thursday, March 26, 2009

By Peggy Kleckner
“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.”
Romans 8:26

I often walk my two dogs in a small wood just through the park near my home. They consider these times quite a treat as they can roam freely off their leashes and I enjoy the freedom to ponder. Such was the case this particular day.

It was quite a windy day, which was the reason for my choice. That wood acts as a shield for me against the nippy spring wind. As I walked further into its protection, I heard the trees “groaning.” What a mournful, deep, almost lonely tone it had to it. The trees had no leaves to mute the sound. They were being buffeted by a cold, strong wind. They had stood through the cold and wet of winter. They had bent under the weight of ice and snow. They had been pushed by harsh, winter winds, but they were still rooted and standing. God brought to my mind the above verse. He reminded me, that when I am being buffeted by change and adversity (my own cold, strong winds), I too will groan, but it will be the Holy Spirit within me interceding for me. When I don’t know what to pray or can’t seem to put words to my inner struggle, He does it for me. What a comfort to know that as truth.

I have hit “winter” seasons in my life. There have been times when my finances seem hopeless, when so many friends are suffering with no relief in sight, when my children are struggling with issues that I had hoped they would never have to face, and when relationships seem cold and lifeless. These are the times that I have to turn over my prayers to the groaning of the Spirit. I have no words to express my anguish. I don’t know what to pray, but I trust the Spirit to intercede for me with “groans that words cannot express.”

Just like those trees I observed that day in the woods, we may feel barren, vulnerable and buffeted, but the Spirit intercedes for us and reminds us that spring will indeed come again. God will refresh us and we will sprout yet again.

Is your heart buffeted by strong winds? Take courage, the Spirit intercedes for you.

1. Are you frustrated that you can’t seem to put voice to your struggles? Are you willing to believe the truth--that the Holy Spirit does indeed intercede for you? Will you relax in the secure arms of God today, resting in that truth?

Romans 8:22-27; Psalm 121; Isaiah 40:10-31

Peggy is a wife and mother of four adult children - two sons and two stepsons. She is the Co-coordinator of Oakwood’s Wednesday p.m. Bible Study.