Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Makeover Motivation
By Elizabeth Cole

“For they loved human praise more than the praise of God.”
John 12:43 (NLT)

According to its website, one of the episodes of TLC’s Makeover Story revolves around two “dazzlingly funny, up-and-coming” actresses and their pursuit of “hitting the jackpot.” As a result of their “Oscar-worthy makeover with a well-known Hollywood stylist,” they’re hoping to catapult their careers onto the fast track. In just a matter of three days, these two women are counting on their “behind-the-scenes red carpet star treatment” to “convince their friends they have made the ‘A’ list.”

Wow. Apparently, it takes just one very intense weekend in California to become all you’ve ever hoped to be…or at least, and more importantly, to persuade your friends you are. Who knew?!

I wonder, though…how much time and energy are we expending with the exact same objective in mind? Sure, we’re not hanging out with Hollywood’s premiere stylist. But just how often does the thought “Won’t they be impressed with this” oh-so-subtly creep into our motivation?

In the Old Testament, there’s a sad story of King Saul. A guy chosen by God to be the first king of the nation of Israel, he chooses man’s approval over God’s best plans. In fact, when confronted with his disobedience, Saul’s biggest concern was that he still be honored in front of his subjects, that they continue to be impressed with who he was…or who he appeared to be.

As Christ followers, we have the privilege of undergoing a transformation that’s not only incredibly authentic, but is also all about others’ praises. It’s just that those praises are rightly directed away from us and toward the Transformer. It’s a makeover with only one opinion that matters. And His opinion requires no convincing on our part. Rather, He knows our heart’s deepest motivations and whom we’ve set out to impress.

This day, may we be transparent, transformed women who love the praise of God over any other’s.

1. As you review the last week, what most motivated your behavior?
2. What could you intentionally commit to do this week to ensure that the Transformer of your life gets the praise for your transformation?

I Samuel 15

Elizabeth is a wife, mother to three teen-aged daughters, and Director of Women’s Ministries at Oakwood Church.