Friday, December 24, 2010

Good News of Great Joy!
By Jen Wollner

“…I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.”
Luke 2:10b-11

There they were. Lowly shepherds living in their fields, tending their flock, keeping watch, minding their own business. Until…BAM! Out of nowhere an angel appeared, the glory of the Lord shining around him! Then an army of heavenly hosts filled the sky, praising God and singing! Their message was clear: the Messiah had come!

The shepherds hurried to find the baby and rejoiced when they saw Jesus, just as the angel had said. They ran throughout Bethlehem telling of this wondrous event. Their lives were changed that day they met their Savior…forever changed by His good news of great joy!

This same scenario repeated itself many times over in Jesus’ life. Countless people sought Him out, desperately hoping that He was who He said He was and could do what He said He could do. When they met Him, they were changed…healed…restored. When they left His presence, they were different than they had been before. And, most couldn’t keep the news to themselves. They rejoiced, and told about Him to anyone who would listen. They had much good news of great joy to proclaim!

What about us? When was the last time we were forever changed by an encounter with Jesus? Have we grown so complacent in our faith that we don’t recognize His amazing works on our behalf? Or, hear His still, small voice? Perhaps we’ve stopped seeking Him, preferring to do life on our own. Maybe we’ve put Him in a box, not allowing ourselves to experience Him fully, instead letting the things of this world seep in, clouding our vision and wearying our hearts.

And, when was the last time we told someone else of how the birth of a baby has forever changed us?

This Christmas, may we experience Him afresh. May we allow ourselves to be, once again, changed by the miracle of His birth. And, may we share His story with those around us so that they, too, could experience this good nes of great joy!

1. How has the goodness of Jesus brought joy to your life? How has He touched you and transformed your heart?
2. This Christmas, who in your life needs to hear about your Savior? What do you plan to share with him/her?

Luke 2:8-20

Jen and her husband are busily parenting three children between the ages of seven and four. She serves on the leadership team for Mission: Hope, Oakwood’s orphan care ministry.