Thursday, December 9, 2010

That’s Just Crazy!
By Lisa Boyer

“For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom”
I Corinthians 1:25a

A few years ago, I read an email about a man who bought a gallon of milk he didn’t need because God told him to. God then directed him to the house of the total stranger that he was to deliver it to. A woman answered the door and said "We had no money to buy milk for our baby, so I prayed and asked God to send an angel with some milk. Are you an angel?" He was an answer to prayer.

I can’t confirm if that story is true or not, but I do know that I had a similar experience one Saturday this past summer. I was walking past a display of flowers at the grocery store and knew I should buy some. I didn’t know who I was supposed to buy them for, but I purchased the most beautiful bunch I could find anyway. The next morning I brought the flowers to church. Of course, I left them in my car; I was afraid someone would ask whom they were for and it would sound crazy for me to say I didn’t know. As I looked around the church that morning, I instantly knew whom those flowers were for. After the service I quickly went to my car, got the flowers and gave them away. Yes, I felt weird buying flowers not knowing whom I was buying them for, but in giving them away, I got a glimpse of why God had me buy them and I was so glad I had obeyed.

A friend of mine was on the receiving end of a “God told me to”…. She had considered purchasing an item on Black Friday but after praying about the purchase, she decided against it because she didn’t have peace. That Sunday, while encouraging her youth discipleship class to pray before buying something, she shared with them that she had just passed up a great deal and yet knew it was the right decision because she didn’t have peace about making the purchase. That week a friend gave her an even better model of the item that she had wanted to buy. Her friend’s reason: God told her to. The following Sunday, she was able to go back to the class and share with them about God’s provision.

When God asks us to do something, it might seem crazy but He always has a reason. We may only see the small role we play, but He sees the bigger picture and knows exactly what He’s doing!

1. This Christmas season will you listen carefully for God’s quiet, yet unmistakable, voice and obey… even if it seems crazy?

Ephesians 2:8-10

Lisa has been married to Ted for 18 years and they have two teenage sons. She is a co-leader for a Junior High girls’ small group at Oakwood Church.