Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Extreme Make-over
By Jennie Pierce

“Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice…”
1 Samuel 15:22

My daughter’s bedroom was way overdue for an updated makeover. The school year kept us so busy that the bedroom was continually ignored. When summer finally arrived, my daughter’s hopes began to soar. As is typical of any summer, our schedule quickly began to fill up…overflow, actually. And there sat the undone bedroom, once again…

…Until the day our dear friends called to say they would like to come for a visit!

With just three days to prepare, my daughter and I got down to business. We woke up early each morning and worked late into each night. Every working minute was so precious to us. It was important to us that her bedroom be absolutely beautiful and complete by the time our guests arrived (especially since they would be staying in her room). With one last-minute errand for an area rug, the room finally reached its completion, with just minutes to spare before our guests would arrive. It was a close call, but we managed, though thoroughly exhausted…almost too exhausted to enjoy our guests.

While it took a potential visit from guests to ultimately get us motivated, the truth is that these guests are so down-to-earth and easy, they would have been just as thrilled to sleep on the floor. They were coming to visit, not inspect my house.

Many times, I find myself operating my spiritual life the same way. I know Jesus wants to come for a visit…to catch up and hang out with me. Yet, I panic, thinking I have to get ready for Him first…clean up my act a little…get presentable before I can let Him in. What I often forget is that He died for me while I was a sinner! And, like my guests, He just wants to see me, to be with me, to hang around awhile. He doesn’t demand nor desire perfection as a prerequisite to fellowship.

He doesn’t want our superficial act, our meager outward attempts to impress. He desires our hearts…hearts that are honest and pure, and those that desires to obey. For that is what truly pleases Him.

1. Are you caught in the mental trap of needing to be “presentable” before you can let Jesus come for a visit? Confess that wrong thinking…and go answer the door. Jesus is knocking, wanting to come in for a chat…and He won’t even care if you’re still in your pj’s.

Psalm 51:16-17; Romans 5:6-8, 8:1; Revelation 3:20

Jennie is a wife and mother of three. She is active in Oakwood’s musical worship ministry and works part-time for a chiropractor.