Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Like Run-Away Cows
By Susan Klein

“He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.”
Psalm 23:3

When my daughter first started high school we lived “out-of-district,” so we had about a fifteen-minute commute to school each morning. I actually enjoyed the scenic drive through the countryside dotted with small family farms and cows grazing lazily in the pastures.

On one particular morning however, we were witness to a “run-away cow.” Just as we neared the last farm on our route, I caught the commotion out of the corner of my eye. A large steer was hastily making his way down the gravel drive headed straight for the highway! Who knows what set him off as he ran full speed ahead, looking like he had “had enough” and wanted out! Two farmhands were hot on his heels, trying to get to him before he reached the road. I braked to a stop as we watched the cow rear up like a horse just before heading into oncoming traffic. At that point, the farmhands gently but firmly took hold of him, speaking in calm and controlled voices, and lovingly coaxed him back toward the safety of the barn. They never got angry, nor did they show him anything but compassion. I was very touched by the display of love for this obviously distraught animal.

I know there are days when I feel like that run-away cow. I’ve had enough of all the frustrations and temptations, and I just feel like high-tailing it out of town! I tend to want to distance myself from the things or people that have irritated me and turn as far away from them as possible. Sometimes, I inadvertently head toward the highway of self-pity or resentfulness, and my heavenly Father has to gently but firmly guide me back to a safe place of restoration, reassuring me that He is in control and it will all work out for His ultimate glory. I’m thankful that He is so patient with me and, much like those farmhands, doesn’t get angry or hold it against me when I want to run away. He may have to get a firm grip on my shoulders to point me back in the right direction, but He does it out of genuine compassion. He loves me too much to let me head into the oncoming traffic of self-destruction!

1) How do you handle life’s irritations? Do you tend to run away from them, or face them head-on?
2) Are you running from anything or anyone today? If so, will you accept God’s guidance back to a safe place?

Psalm 25:4-7; Proverbs 15:3, 10, 24

Susan is our Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Coordinator and one of its teachers. She is also involved in youth outreach ministry.