Wednesday, March 14, 2012

FRESH START READERS: We are delighted to share with you a two-week series of devotionals that are the follow-up to We Women’s 2012 annual conference entitled Choices: God’s Answers for Life’s Toughest Choices.

 “Becoming a Stretcher Bearer”
By Jeannine Sawall

“Some men came, bringing to Him a paralytic,  
carried by the four of them.
Mark 2:3

You may have recently read about the choices the paralytic in this story was faced with: Would he go with his friends to see Jesus; would he press in, despite obstacles; and would he get up when Jesus told him to go. But that is just one part of this story. Our paralytic man would not have even had the opportunity to make those life-changing choices, if not for his friends who chose to make a difference that day. Becoming a stretcher bearer changed their lives…and his!

How often in life are we called to be stretcher bearers for our friends, or for others?  Had the four men in this story decided they were too busy, were too weak, needed to work late that day, or if they just had good intentions of bringing their friend to see Jesus and never did, the paralytic’s world would have likely remained unchanged. These friends not only took the initiative to carry their friend to Jesus, they made the time to do it. And when it seemed there was no way they were going to get their friend through the crowds to see Jesus, they went above and beyond…literally. The Bible tells us they climbed up on the roof and “…made an opening and after digging through it, lowered the mat with the man in front of Jesus” (Mark 2:4).  These friends believed Jesus had the cure for what ailed their friend and they made the choice to do whatever it took to help him see Jesus.

While becoming a stretcher bearer today may not look the same as in the story, we still have the choice each and every day to help carry someone near Jesus. Sometimes the simplest act can make a difference in someone’s life. Perhaps it’s a friend who needs encouragement, a phone call, or a card may show someone really cares.  Maybe it’s a family member who is overwhelmed with life—a lunch date might brighten his or her day. Or maybe it’s someone who needs to know Jesus as Savior—an honest conversation may change their eternity. 

Life is busy for all of us; however, there are many small ways we can be a stretcher bearer for someone.  Having good intentions won’t make a difference in someone’s life, but choosing to act on those intentions will.

Let’s not let an opportunity to bring someone near to Jesus get past us. 

1. Whom in your life could you choose to be a stretcher bearer for this week?
2. What good intentions need to be changed into actions?


Jeannine is a wife and mother of four active boys. She works in property management and is a part of the Special Events team for Oakwood’s We Women ministries.