Wednesday, March 21, 2012

FRESH START READERS: We are delighted to share with you a two-week series of devotionals that are the follow-up to We Women’s 2012 annual conference entitled Choices: God’s Answers for Life’s Toughest Choices.

Wait for It
By Jeannine Sawall

Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand. 
James 5:7-8

I still remember it like it was just last week. When my friend arrived for coffee, her first question was, “Where are you in the adoption process?” I began to tell her how God had been opening doors for us. Appointments that should have taken several months were scheduled in the next few weeks. A piece of property had unexpectedly been sold and would provide the money to cover expenses. She listened attentively and then said, “I’m not saying this is a ‘Thus sayeth the Lord,’ but I’ve been praying for you and I don’t think you should proceed with this adoption right now.” Talk about a conversation stopper!  How could she even say that? This was the friend who had walked with me through five miscarriages in the last 26 months. She had held me as I wept tears of grief and disappointment, wondering why God was allowing this pain in my life. She had prayed with me as I begged the Lord to take away the longing for another baby. Adoption was a good thing!  I wanted encouragement…telling me anything else was not what I wanted!

She asked what led us to the decision to adopt. I told her that while I hadn’t had a scroll dropped in my lap, doors kept opening. She challenged me not to depend on positive circumstances, but to pray without ceasing and wait until I was sure I was in the middle of God’s will. I agreed to do that. As much as we wanted another child, we wanted to be in the middle of God’s will more.

To our astonishment, within the next year we were blessed with the birth of a healthy baby.  While not every story ends with the Lord giving you what you want, when you choose to put His will before your own, every story will end with His providing what you need. (And, of course, you and I both know that there are times when adoption is exactly what His will is for some.)

Often, when things aren’t happening the way we want them to, we may try to make “it” happen. God allows us a choice: We can choose to focus on what HE wants to do and wait for His timing, or on what we try to do in our own strength. Looking back, I’m thankful this friend had the courage to challenge me to stop and wait for God’s clear direction and plan. While His timing and His ways may not always make sense or be to our liking, it is always for His higher purpose and His glory…and that’s something worth waiting for!

1 What do you do when God does not immediately answer your prayers? Do you choose to make it happen or wait on Him?
2. What friend do you have in your life who will challenge you to be more dependent on God? And to whom can you be that kind of friend?

Jeannine is a wife and mother of four active boys. She works in property management and is a part of the Special Events team for Oakwood’s We Women ministries.