Thursday, June 21, 2012

My “Real” Father
By Susan Klein

“Is He not your Father, your Creator, who made you and formed you?” 
Deuteronomy 32:6b

Recently, while visiting my 93-year-old grandmother in a nursing home, I was caught off guard with an unexpected question from her caregiver, “Is your real father still around?” She knows my mom quite well from several years of caring for her mother, and has also gotten to know my stepdad from his visits, so it was not necessarily an unusual question. I shared about my real father and how we have maintained a good relationship over the years. I also told her that as an adult, I now feel doubly blessed to have had two dads for many years of my life, especially when some people never get to have even one.

As I drove away that day, her question lingered in my thoughts. I couldn’t shake the words “real father.” Growing up in a split family had been difficult and conflicting at times, but there was one Father who remained a constant in my life. Even before I knew Him as a Father, He showed His presence to me in various ways. His hand of protection was always on me, keeping me safe from many harmful situations. His mighty arms picked me up and placed my feet back on solid ground when I’d go the wrong way or stumble into a pit of despair. His gentle whispers to my heart reminded me that I was not alone.

While I didn’t always recognize that it was Him in each of those situations, I can look back now and clearly see His carefully planned involvement and intervention in many aspects of my younger years. He took care of the daughter that He predestined to one day be conformed into the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). He formed me in my mother’s womb and He knew each of my days before any of them came into being (Psalm 139:13-16). He knew the choice I would one day make that would seal my life forever (Ephesians 1:13-14)! He had a vested interest in me and maintained a constant presence in my life to protect that interest. He had paid a hefty price to insure that I would know how much He loved me, even when I did not know Him or deserve His love.

Is my “Real Father” still around? Yes, He is. And He was, and He always will be. I will never be without Him. Nothing and no one can ever separate us or come between us! Do you have the same assurance regarding your Father?

1. How has your relationship your earthly father(s) influenced your view of your heavenly Father?
2. Spend some time this week getting to know your “Real Father” a bit more intimately.


Susan is a We Women Bible Study Coordinator and one of its teachers. She and her husband Mark lead a couples' small group in their home; she is also involved in inner city outreach.