Friday, November 2, 2012

By Peggy Kleckner

“See I am doing a new thing!   
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?”
Isaiah 43:19

Autumn can bring rainy, dark days. Typically, these are not my favorite. They seem cloaked in gloom and somewhat tighter-fitting or confining. They remind me that winter is closer, the days are shortening and the temperature will be dropping. I prefer the sunshine days of autumn, where God displays His glory in bold colors and the sky seems broad and roomy.

Today, however, in the midst of the dark and gloomy, rainy day, my heart spoke whispers of new growth. I thought of all of the roots of the trees and plants rejoicing in praise as they were drinking in the rain. Perhaps they danced in celebration!

This year has been a year of drought. We know our ground needs the life-sustaining and refreshing rain. We can more easily see and accept His gift of these showers, because we have experienced the need.  We have seen the effect of the lack. These present showers bring us visions of new growth for next spring. That is quite awhile from now, but we know the order of the seasons, so we can look ahead with fresh hope.

It was a great reminder to me today. I have been in some dark and gloomy spiritual days as of late. I feel as if I am confined, hemmed in. Some days it feels complete with thunder and lightening. But today, He reminded me that He is up to something good. He speaks to me and says, “Do you not perceive it?...  Don’t you know me by now?”

These days are not to frighten me. They are for my refreshment. They have been given as a gift from my Father’s heart. He is watering His seed in me, looking forward to fresh blooms and good fruit.

All of the seasons are necessary, and are set in order by our sovereign God. He calls out the seasons of our life, both the darkness and the light.

So, I will rejoice in my dark days and dance in my gloom, for God is springing up good things in me!

1.  What darkness is trying to hold your attention captive?
2.  Are you willing to ask God to help you look past this season to see the vision of new growth He has planned?


Peggy is a wife and mother of four adult children - - two sons and two stepsons, and is an active encourager at Oakwood Church in Delafield. She serves as the Coordinator of Fresh Start.