Tuesday, December 18, 2012

He Wants Us to Himself
By Karen D’Amore

“Do not worship any other God, for the Lord whose name is Jealous, 
is a jealous God.”
Exodus 34:14

Not knowing his name, I called him “Brownie”…befitting his deep chocolate coat and matching eyes. New in town, and still unpacked, I first spotted him through the second-story window, grazing in a neighboring pasture. We met over a tattered, horse-bitten railed fence, separating our properties. Surrounded by strangers…Brownie became my first friend in this new land.

Each day as I neared the fence, Brownie met me with regal strength and confidence, but with eyes that transcended gentleness. Digging his nose into my coat pocket, helping himself to tasty treats, he’d then curl his upper lip…exposing a toothy grin. He loved to nuzzle in my hair and deliver muddy kisses to my cheek. He’d whinny when I’d say good-bye…as if begging me to stay.

Our bond was special…our relationship unique…I loved that horse and he loved me. I never neglected our time together and he never failed to meet me at the fence. The most remarkable aspect of our visits was Brownie’s response to the other horses in the pasture. Intolerant of their attempt to steal my attention and/or affection, Brownie nipped them in the neck and chased them off, whenever they came near me. Jealous for my affection and undivided attention…Brownie wanted me to himself!

Reflecting on Brownie’s jealousy drew me to recall Scripture’s disclosure of God as a jealous God. He wants us to Himself and rightly tolerates no rivals when it comes to our devotion. As Christ-followers, we must guard against anything standing between our souls and our Savior. Daily, we battle with elements that compete for our affection, in a world filled with forces alluring our flesh. Careers, hobbies, friendships, pursuit of pleasure and riches, and even family can compete for the affection that God desires and deserves alone.

Jealous for our trust and dependence on Him, He deters our trust in human wisdom. Jealous of our friendship and companionship…He longs to be our closest Friend. Wholly committed to us, leaving us no reason to question His loyalty and love…He is, therefore, righteously jealous in expecting our total commitment to Him. He is righteously jealous…wanting us to Himself!

After years of separation, I was recently reunited with Brownie. Meeting me at that same fence, his eyes resonated with love and devotion. Snatching a treat from my pocket, he nuzzled my hair and kissed my cheek. And when the other horses drew near…he nipped their necks…chased them off…making it very clear... he still wanted me to himself!

1.  What’s getting in the way of God having you to Himself? What will you do about it?


Married to Dan, Karen, a retired police officer, currently works as a Manicurist at Craig Berns Salon.  She’s on the Oakwood Women’s Ministry Special Events planning team and a volunteer at the Wildlife In Need Center.