Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Help, My “Ugly Fruit” is Showing!
By Susan Klein

“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”
Galatians 5:22-23a

Have you ever seen an “uglifruit”? It’s a sort of hybrid between a pomelo, an orange and a tangerine. Its external appearance befits its name. It has a rough, wrinkly rind with ugly green blemishes. Chances are, if you saw it in your produce section, you’d turn your nose up and walk right by. However, beneath its deceptively ugly exterior lies a succulently sweet and juicy interior!

At a women’s conference I recently attended, the table topic turned toward “fruit of the Spirit.” We were encouraged to answer the question, “What fruit might others say is most evident in your life?” Many of the ladies didn’t want to answer, feeling it might sound boastful. Even when reassured by our table leader that we’d only be boasting about what the Holy Spirit is doing in us, it still left some hesitant to reply.

One lady confessed, “I think my ugly fruit is what is most evident much of the time.” While invoking a good chuckle, we all admitted we could relate. The significance of the question seemed to lie in the word “evident,” or what others see in us. As we discussed this topic further, we concluded that the above verse shows that the word “fruit” used here is singular; meaning if you have one, you have access to them all. In other words, if the Holy Spirit is dwelling in you, you have this whole wonderful fruit dwelling inside of you, even if what others see on your outside is blemished and ugly. What is “evident” is determined by your choice of which fruit to display.

When we are truly walking in the Spirit, focusing on our Lord and not on ourselves or our circumstances, our good fruit will be much more evident than our ugly (sin-nature) fruit. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Galatians 5:24-25.

Some days, when I’m not keeping in step with the Spirit, I might not have the whole fruit evident on my branches. Perhaps I am exhibiting patience with my spouse, but the joy in my difficult circumstances is hidden from view. Or maybe I’m exercising self-control in my spending, but my kindness is not evident to the store clerk. On days when my ugly fruit is showing, I know it’s really time to get back in step with the Spirit so His sweet, succulent fruit can shine through!

1. Which aspect of your spiritual fruit might most frequently be hidden from view of others? What can you do to display it more prominently?


Susan is a We Women Bible Study Coordinator and one of its teachers. She and her husband Mark enjoy tutoring and working with inner-city youth.