Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Debunking the Myth
By Brita Crouse

“Therefore, since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone - - an image made by man’s design and skill.”
Acts 17:29 (NIV)

“Have you ever repented for the way you thought God was?” This question startled me to attention in the middle of a sermon one Sunday. Have I ever had a negative idea about God that wasn’t accurate? Certainly I had, but I never thought it warranted an apology. But…why wouldn’t it? It got me thinking about times in my life when people have had wrong impressions of me and how it made me feel...not so great.

God has feelings, too! He has made us in His image; He’s given us qualities and characteristics that directly reflect Him. Think of the person who you think loves you the most. God loves you infinitely more than that person could. Yet, we can get inadvertently sidetracked into misinterpreting His actions to mean He’s capriciously wrathful and angry and does not love.

We tend to compare God to our human relationships because that’s what we know. But, God is so much better than we think He is. He loves us more than any human could. He provides for us more than any amount of money could. He protects us more than any weapon could. He disciplines us more justly than the most loving parent could. He empathizes better than any best friend could, weeping when we weep and rejoicing when we rejoice. He is jealous, but not in the “crazy-ex-boyfriend” kind of way. His anger and wrath are righteous and just, not sinful. 

God gives us human relationships, though, to reflect His nature. Think of your spouse or a parent or good friend. Those relationships are meant to reveal different aspects of God, but because they are human relationships, there is bound to be hurt in them at some point.

Unlike humans, God is perfect, and while we  may stumble in our walk with Him, it’s not because of anything He did. It’s all us. God is not like a man made idol. He is not silver or gold or stone. He is real. He is personal and relational and intentional and loving…and we are His offspring! Thankfully, when we recognize we have a wrong assumption of God, His Spirit teaches us something about Himself that we didn’t know before.

Repentance for our mistaken assumptions of God can only draw us closer into relationship with Him. “Have you ever repented for the way you thought God was?”

1.  List the wrong assumptions you have or have had about God. Talk to Him about them.
2.  Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 for a picture of God’s perfect love.


Brita recently graduated from Taylor University with a degree in Psychology, has been attending Oakwood for sixteen years, and is currently part of our Just Among Moms weekly childcare team.