Wednesday, November 19, 2014

HOPE-filled Seeds of Kindness
By Karen D’Amore

“…blessed is the one who is kind to the needy.”

Darkness reigned as dense clouds blanketed the early morning sky, inhibiting the sun’s feeble attempts to poke through the darkness. The warmth of my snuggling cat enticed the urge for lengthy slumber; however, the clang of an incoming text message interrupted my ability to snooze. A devotional I’d written about “HOPE” was published that morning and a friend who was encouraged by its contents was texting a message of gratitude.

Though I’d planned to sleep in and spend the day relaxing at home, the early morning wake-up text allowed for errands outside the home. Feeling drawn to a particular, slightly familiar café, I chose a table near the window where I could people-watch, reflect and write while savoring my lunch. A woman caught my attention as she sat down at the table next to me. Her exaggerated limp was supported by mangled ski poles. Disheveled in appearance, her hollow eyes and weathered face foretold stories of hardship. Her inquiry about prices clarified her budget and the vial of medication sitting next to her cup of coffee embellished her story. I couldn’t help but listen as she mumbled to herself, fumbled with an old cell phone and discussed details of her sickness, pain and a recent surgery.

God’s overpowering nudge prompted me: “Plant seeds of kindness” and I paid for the woman’s meal. I asked the waitress to include her bill with mine, and deliver the message “God Bless You”…once I was gone. Exiting the restaurant, I prayed that God would sow those seeds of kindness and use them for His HOPE-filled glory.

After leaving the restaurant I drove to a consignment boutique, blocks from the restaurant. As I approached the shop, the woman from the restaurant rounded the corner. She pulled to the curb and called out to me, “Why did you do that for me?” “I believe God wanted me to bless you,” I replied. Tears flooded her cheeks and before driving away, she thankfully said, “I HOPE I see you again someday.” I then entered the boutique where I was greeted by a wooden carved sign which read…HOPE.

I believe God orchestrated those inter-woven HOPE-themed events of the day, while merging my path with a woman who appeared hopeless. Now, my hope  and prayer is that those scattered seeds of kindness will germinate within that woman’s heart and blossom within God’s HOPE-filled garden!

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
--Aesop [1]

1.  Make a list of different seeds of kindness you can scatter. Then…go plant!


Married to Dan, Karen, a retired police officer, currently works as a Manicurist at Craig Berns Salon and Foot Care Specialist at Shorehaven Senior Facility. She’s on the Oakwood Women’s Ministry Special Events planning team.