Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Clock is Ticking
By Carolyn Hulliberger

“LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
Remind me that my days are numbered  - - how fleeting my life is.”
Psalm 39:4 (NLT)

Most of us are slaves to the calendar. We count down the shopping days to Christmas, the days to a vacation, or a birthday.

Recently, I was discussing with a friend how time was flying with our high-school sophomores. The comment was made that we have three years left with them at home…which turns into just over 1,000 days.

1,000 days doesn’t seem like much time to influence and mentor your child into young adulthood.

So I started thinking…here is the countdown to some of my upcoming milestones…

210 days until the last day of school
240 days until the next family reunion
660 days until my youngest starts high school
1,250 days until my 25th wedding anniversary
2,130 days until my youngest heads off to college
2,530 days until my next “decade” birthday
8,036 days until retirement

Psalm 90:12 says, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (NIV) I wonder if we all sat down and actually did that…numbered our days. I wonder how we could use that to influence others. Would we waste less time? Would we spend more time with things that matter? When we realize our time is limited, how would we change the way we spent our time with our loved ones, with getting to know our neighbors and co-workers, or volunteering in our churches and community?

1,000 days may seem like a short amount of time that my sophomore has left in our home. May we equally be aware and intentional in spending our limited time wisely.

1. Figure out the number of days to some of your milestones (hint: Google “countdown timer” for a help with this).
2. How can you resolve to be deliberate in impacting others?


Along with caring for her family, Carolyn works as an insurance representative and serves in Oakwood Church’s Student Ministries with an awesome group of junior high girls.