Thursday, July 16, 2015

Power Walk
By Elin Henderson

“But, those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run  and not be weary they shall walk  and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV, emphasis added)

Because of a major injury to my knee when I was young, I have been officially banned by a physical therapist from all forms of high impact exercise. Although my running days are over, I have now embraced the wonderful world of power walking! Of course I encountered another obstacle when I moved to Africa. Outdoor walking is all but impossible for me here since I can’t go more than 100 feet without passing someone’s yard and answering the multitude of questions: Where are you going? Why are you walking so fast? Don’t you want  to visit with me? In the village where I live, there is no category for walking for exercise and trying to “stay in shape and lose weight,” especially when “big” is deemed beautiful! It’s just a form of getting places. So, rather than face the questions and confusion, I have turned to indoor walking - - befriending instead Leslie Sansone! [1]

God is calling us to a spiritual power walk as well here in Isaiah 40:31! For those of us low impact people, this verse could better be translated, “…they shall power walk  and not be weary, walk and not faint…” How? Leaning in on His everlasting arms and waiting/resting in Him!

So, what kinds of things can hinder us from our power walk? Distractions which turn our eyes from the Author and Finisher of our faith  - -  the source of our power walk  - - can certainly slow us down and cause us to lose our footing or just plain stop. Don’t be deceived, sometimes these distractions are good  distractions, but maybe not the best  for us. Burdens can also most certainly keep us from our power walk. Hebrews 12:1 reminds us that sin and other worries or concerns can quickly weigh us down and keep us from running/power walking the race God has for us.

 Whether you are a runner, power walker or just plain ambler, take hope! He wants to help you power through  this life He has given you. We’ve seen in other Scriptures about His “power” or “dynamo” on our behalf and can rest assured that as we wait on Him and rest in Him, He will empower  our walk and through it enable us to live powerful  lives for his glory! So, keep going, don’t grow weary, power walk  on for His glory today!!
GOING DEEPER:                                               
1. Can you think of any other things that hinder us from our power walk of faith?
2. What can we do as believers to keep ourselves well-conditioned for the power walk He has for us?

[1] Leslie Sansone is a famous Christian exercise persona. She is known for her “indoor walking programs” available on DVD everywhere. 

Oakwood’s missionaries Elin Henderson (a registered nurse) and her husband Phil serve as church planters with New Tribes in Mozambique, Africa. Elin is mother to fifteen-year-old Callie and twelve-year-old Elias.