Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Storm the Dorm?!!
By Susan Klein

“Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care…”

On some college campuses, Christian organizations will hold what they term a “Storm the Dorm” event. This evangelistic event involves a group of organized students converging upon the dorms at a designated time when many of the residents are in their rooms. Their express purpose is to hand out information about their organization and to try to share the gospel of Christ as they quickly “storm through the dorms.” While a noble tradition, its effectiveness might be somewhat limited due to the immensity of the dorms, the small amount of time available, and the receptiveness of the students.

A different method of choice for some involves handing out tracts to passers-by in the park or a venue where major events are taking place. While intentions are admirable, and may prove effective with some, most people are not attending the scheduled event to hear about the Lord, thus, may take offense at this approach. Or, like myself, some may have already placed their faith in Jesus Christ and are not in need of receiving this message again.

One technique we can all  adopt comes from Peter’s advice to the dispersed Christians throughout Asia. In his letter to them, he writes, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” (1Peter 3:15b). Time spent in God’s Word for the purpose of “being prepared with an answer” is never time wasted. It is the Holy Spirit who convicts, and prompts, and instills in people the desire to seek out answers. We are called to be ready to give them an answer. Gentleness and respect for the recipients is a crucial element of this process. Jesus “did life” with people. He walked alongside of them talking and sharing as He went, never badgering or forcing His message. Occasionally, the crowds got so huge that He had to address a large audience, but it was mainly because they sought Him out and were hungry for His words.

While away at college the past few years, my daughter participated in a couple of dorm stormings. What she found even more rewarding, though, was building relationships with the students she tutored, sharing her own faith story when appropriate, then, waiting for them to ask her questions…questions that she was prepared to have an answer for.

Answers tend to be received better when the questions are asked first!

1. How prepared are you if someone asks you to “give a reason for the hope you have”?
2. Can you be bold, mixed with gentleness and respect?


Susan is married to Mark, and has two adult children. She enjoys teaching Bible studies, writing, and tutoring with the Literacy Council. She is a member of the Peace Team at Oakwood.