Wednesday, May 18, 2016

{Not} Responsible
By Lexi Cole Ellis

“Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm 
your calling and election.”

I was stuck…driving on a one-lane road behind a huge commercial truck filled to the brim with small rocks. I slowed down to what felt like a crawl.  In an attempt to avoid the occasional spray of rocks flying out, I left a significant amount of space between the truck and myself. Even with the distance, I listened to the tink of small pebbles hitting my windshield. I couldn’t help but laugh at the irony that stared me right in the face.  On the back of the truck, it read… 

Later that week, I saw a similar sign as I entered the car wash.  If their machinery happens to malfunction, they’re not responsible for any damage that’s caused to your car either.

I wish I could walk around with a “not responsible” sign for life. Warning! Not responsible for that “less-than-ideal” tone of voice or attitude that was unnecessarily harsh with my kids. Sorry! Not responsible for the hurt feelings that are a result of my selfishness with my husband. Stay back! Not responsible for the broken hearts or wounded spirits because of my actions with my friend.

But the truth remains, we are  responsible for our actions. We are accountable to the areas or spheres where we’ve been called into leadership. I am  responsible for how I treat others because, as a Believer, I am called to let my life be a light. Scripture is pretty clear that it’s not just our words that matter…God also sees the condition of our heart; our attitude matters.

Believers don’t get a “not responsible” sign that allows us to flee from responsibility. We are called to not only invest in relationships - - but to also monitor and own up when we mess up. Life is complicated and not without conflict. But rather than claim it’s not our fault and leave, we are called to enter into the mess.

Thankfully, none of the pebbles actually cracked my windshield that day. But I am also thankful for the reminder that real life - - a life that pursues holiness and community - - is one that rejects the easier idea of putting up a “not responsible” sign.

1.      Take some time to examine the different areas of your life. Are there relationships or situations where you’re attempting to post the “not responsible” sign? What needs to change?


Lexi and her husband, Andrew, have an adorable dog named Calvin. Lexi teaches sixth grade, serves with Children’s Ministries and is the Fresh Start Coordinator