Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Choose What is Better
By Brita Crouse

“‘Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’”

Last year, my parents celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. So, as a present, I wanted to appropriately celebrate with a surprise party. I spent weeks planning out details and delegating tasks to my very helpful family and friends. The day of the party was spent setting up tables and place settings, making and putting out food, decorating, checking sound equipment and the projection screen, and making sure everyone was in the right place at the right time. In the end, my parents were surprised and enjoyed celebrating this momentous occasion with people they loved.

As for me, I enjoyed the organizing and planning that this kind of event required. But, I spent much of the party keeping the music playing or refilling food or getting the slideshow started or making sure everyone was well-fed and having a good time. In focusing so much on these details, I found myself losing sight of what the celebration was about. I had to keep reminding myself to just sit down and enjoy the people around me.

It’s important to note that an organized nature is not inherently bad; it’s part of how God made some of us. It’s when this love of planning and organization grows greater than our love for God and for people that this passion becomes a problem.

In many ways I find myself relating to Martha, Mary’s sister. When Jesus comes to visit, to teach and eat, Martha gets caught up in the preparations, while Mary spends her time intently listening to Jesus. Martha sees Mary as being lazy because she is not helping hostess. I’m sure Mary saw Martha as being too tightly wound and wished she would just relax and listen to what Jesus had to say.

I am always “that person” who has to clean up or have everything in order before I can enjoy myself. Sometimes, though, I just need to relax and be with people or spend time with God instead. Life can be crazy and hectic and overwhelming, but it’s always worth it to take a minute to remember the big picture and think about why we are really here on Earth.

It is never a waste to spend more time with people or with God, so choose what is better.

1. Who do you relate to in the above passage? What are ways you can find a balance between the two personalities in your everyday life?
2. Make it your prayer today to “choose what is better.”


Brita recently graduated with her Master’s in Educational Psychology from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. She has called Oakwood her home church for the past eighteen years.