Monday, November 13, 2017

More Than a Sign?By Lexi Cole Ellis

“Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you.” Acts 13:38 (NIV)
 I pass a large yard sign every day on my way to work inviting all to “Find God” at their church. I’m definitely pro-front-yard signs, but I must be honest. Every day, I mentally go back and forth with some extreme conclusions that range from:
            Good for them, they’re declaring their house will serve the Lord
            But then I think...putting a sign on your front yard doesn’t count as
And then I arrive at...why am I even spending time judging fellow
I next think of a friend who came to the Lord because of a tract (a miniature sign handed to her by a stranger).  But then I think of how relational the gospel is - - that often it’s not a tract or a sign that brings one to Christ - - but those who conversationally share how they’ve been transformed by grace. I think about the Samaritan woman telling her whole town that Jesus had changed her life. But then I recognize that at least a tract or a sign is proclaiming the urgency of the gospel. I spend the rest of the car ride debating with myself!
I end up at a place of more. Maybe “gospel-sharing” is more than a sign AND more than building a relationship first. Maybe it’s both. Because God is the God of action. He does immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, and He doesn’t need to be limited by the confines of what we perceive as the “right” ways to advance the gospel. He is a God who graciously uses His (imperfect) people who put their faith in Him, and who then become ambassadors for His incredible Good News.
There’s still more. When we accept God’s gift of salvation, He also gives us the Holy Spirit: a Guide and Counselor, a Convict-er and Prompter. Maybe instead of judging a sign, I should ask the Holy Spirit to swiftly judge my heart and reveal what I myself should be doing to advance the gospel? Maybe those who put the sign up in their yard felt the Holy Spirit’s nudging, and they obeyed. Praise Jesus!
So now, as I drive by that sign every day, it’s not a reminder of my theology debate. Instead it’s a reminder that we are called to hear the Holy Spirit’s prompting to invite people to find God. We are called to be actively begging God for open doors and being bold enough to take them, regardless of what that looks like.

1.      Take time with the Lord today. What does “gospel-advancing” look like for you right now?

Lexi and her husband, Andrew, have an adorable dog named Calvin. She teaches sixth grade Reading and Writing and serves with Children’s Ministries and is the Fresh Start Coordinator.