Thursday, March 22, 2018

Comfort Zone or Character Shaping
By Karen D’Amore

The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives,
 and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you.”

A recent date on the calendar drew me into reflective introspection - - even the weather mimicked that pivotal relocation day twelve years earlier. I recalled my husband’s and my trekking through McCarran Airport hauling four suitcases, two dogs and one-way tickets to Milwaukee…and I remember questioning, “What in the world am I doing?” As a Southern California native and nearly-lifelong resident, the fundamentals of Midwest living (including ice, snow and the diverse elements accompanying those phenomenon) were distinctly foreign to me. Needless to say, since my arrival in Wisconsin transpired in the dead of winter, my “comfort zone” was catapulted into instant culture shock!

Like Abram, I was responding obediently to God’s call to leave behind everything familiar: family, relatives, friends, jobs, church, property and possessions….and move to the land He’d revealed. This Divine-detour wasn’t a route I would have personally chosen! The elements in store were unfamiliar, unknown and “uncomfortable”! However, I recognize that God is more interested in our character than our comfort, and hindsight now reveals the framework and boundaries of my comfort zone being stretched beyond recognition. These past twelve years have required me to continuously exercise blind-faith while navigating within God’s character-shaping obstacle course.

With this journey perpetually stretching and challenging my comfort zone, I’ve learned the value and necessity of living Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path.” I learned to trust God for a home, friendships, jobs, church, my purpose in this new land…and contentment with the uncomfortable. Paraphrasing Isaiah 58:11, I’m a testament to the truth that “…where God guides, He provides.”

God’s relocation plan has taught me countless, invaluable faith-lessons! I’ve learned that faith isn’t grown within the security of our comfort zone, where it’s easy and natural to trust in our own abilities…minimizing our need for God. Stepping out into the unfamiliar, unknown and uncomfortable propels a constant need for dependency on God…and a trust that rests in His direction along the path.

After meeting me in the Midwest, God awakened hidden heart-chambers where I’ve experienced Him in a deeply intimate, personal relationship. Like soothing balm for the soul, the Master Comforter embraced me in the depths of the “uncomfortable.” Retrospect affirms that leaving the security of my comfort zone yielded the richest character-shaping, faith-changing experience imaginable! And as “uncomfortable” as this process has been, I wouldn’t trade it for anything…not even a chance to return to my “comfort zone!”

1. What hinders you from leaving comfort zones?


Married to Dan, Karen, a retired police officer, currently works as a Manicurist at Craig Berns Salon and as an instructor in the Cosmetology Department at WCTC. Karen also serves on the Welcoming Team at Oakwood.