Thursday, March 8, 2018

Doers of the Word
By Sarah Walker

“…be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”
James 1:22 (NIV)

My husband and I had given our two-year-old son a simple direction at lunchtime: Eat the chicken that is on your plate. Rather than following our instructions, he proceeded to interrogate us. He pointed to the meat on his plate.

“This chicken?”
“Yes, that is the chicken you need to eat.”
“Rest of chicken there?”

He pointed to the container where the rest of the chicken was. This was shortly followed by his informing us that the container was where we had gotten the chicken on his plate, and then noting that the container had previously been in the refrigerator.

Upon the conclusion of his assessment, we instructed him once again to eat his chicken. Rather than being satisfied with understanding the origins of his lunch, he next remarked that his brother had chicken on his plate, as well. This was followed by an analysis of the temperature of the chicken (it was cold) and a sensory exam to feel the chicken. We proceeded to tell him that we didn’t care where the chicken came from, who else had it, or what it felt like. We cared about his following our instructions and actually eating the piece of meat.

As comical as this real-life story is, I can’t help but wonder how often we do this to God. How often has God given us something to do, and rather than doing it, we talk about it or do something else that is related to what God has told us to do… but we don’t ever actually do the main instruction?

The sole purpose of the Bible is not to be read, studied or even memorized. Those are all good things to do and will indeed be of great aid to us in our daily walk with Jesus. But that is not the primary goal of the Bible. The Bible contains God’s instructions for living. We are asked to read the Bible, not for the sake of reciting it or adding to our head knowledge, but we are to read it in order to be transformed by it and then to live our lives according to the instructions found in it. We are meant to read the Bible in order to learn the ways of God, but we need to apply - - or follow - - these instructions in our daily lives.

Go ahead and eat!

1.  How are you using the Bible?
2.  Is there something God is asking you to do that you need to put into action? If so, do it.

Sarah is married to Scott and is a full-time mom to their two young sons. She and Scott are involved in a small group focused on prayer.