Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Power of Words
By Karen D’Amore

“The tongue has the power of life and death…”
Proverbs 18:21 (NIV, emphasis added)

Stunned, I sat motionless. My heart welled within my throat and battled the impulse to vomit. Tears choked in a struggle with suppression…but eventually gave way to sobbing. Rendered speechless, I recoiled, silently retreating to a protective place of isolation. As that childhood jingle harmonized in my head, I became incensed by its falsehood: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me!” SO WRONG!!!

Expended like fiery darts, those harsh, cutting words pierced my heart. It’s been years since those powerful words crushed my spirit. Yet when brought to remembrance, those old wounds become fresh. Though the power of forgiveness has loosed me from the paralyzing effects of those hurtful words, in moments of vulnerability, those crushing words rise to the surface and re-play themselves in my mind.

Sadly, even after experiencing the heart-altering effects of wounding words, I’m no more faultless at spewing thoughtless, hurtful words myself. Though the pain I’ve experienced heightens my awareness and consciousness in controlling my tongue, emotions have been known to over-power me. When guided by anger, frustration or emotions, words are likely to be spewed…and spewed words are rarely kind or sweet.

A popular contemporary Christian song by Hawk Nelson, serves as a powerful reminder:
“Words can build you up…words can break you down. Start a fire in your heart or put it out.  Let my words be life. Let my words be truth. I don’t wanna say a word…Unless it points the world back to You.” [Jesus] [1]

Words…are loaded with power! They have the ability to bring laughter and joy, teaching and instruction, encouragement and comfort. When used appropriately, words have life-giving power. Yet when used to mock, belittle, embarrass, deceive and tear down, words hold the power to destroy. Because words have the power to change lives (some for the better and others for worse), it’s imperative we THINK before we speak. Better yet, when in delicate situations, we - - as believers - -  should pray before we speak!

As Christ-followers, we must choose our words carefully, remembering our number one priority should be to build up the Kingdom of God...not tear it down. Being mindful of the power of the tongue, may we pause before we speak and ask ourselves truths that I recently saw on a mug:
                        T – is it True?
                        H – is it Helpful?
                        I is it Inspiring?
                        N – is it Necessary?
                        K – is it Kind?

And most importantly…may we choose life-giving words that point others to Jesus!

  1. Have your careless words wounded another? Seek forgiveness and be reconciled.


Married to Dan, Karen, a retired police officer, currently works as a Manicurist at Craig Berns Salon and a Foot Care Specialist at Shorehaven Senior Facility.