Wednesday, October 29, 2008

His Workmanship
By Shelly Schumacher

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:10

Ask my parents and they will surely tell you, Shelly Connors was not created as a quiet and demure little girl. As a child, I was loud, boisterous and was often scolded for talking in class. My mouth regularly got me in trouble as I often said the most inappropriate things at the most inopportune times.

When I first became a Christian and started attending Bible studies, I felt like a fish out of water. As a young mother, I sat around the table with a group of wonderful women. Each seemed to have just the right thing to say and knew exactly when to add it to the conversation. I felt that every time I opened my mouth, I spewed forth the most uninspired drivel. I honestly believed that in order to be a true Christian woman, I must fit into a mold of quiet, soft-spoken and reserved.

As I have grown in my faith, God has clearly showed me that He wants me just as I am. He created me to fill a part of the Body of Christ and to complement the other parts. My personality is not a coincidence – it is exactly the way I am supposed to be. With that being said, God has also taught me that within my personality there is a gentle spirit. And he has shown me when this quiet spirit should be utilized.

When Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus, his goal was to build them up in their faith. He wrote to encourage them and let them know of the great love that God has for His creation. Paul spoke of God as a master artisan. Like any artist, God’s work is inspired. Each thing He creates has its own unique attributes and characteristics. The plan for creation, however, is not haphazard. God creates each person with special gifts and abilities so that he or she can serve the entire body of believers.

As I learn about the gifts that God has given me, I have become more comfortable in my “less than dainty” Christian womanhood. I realize now that God desires to utilize me just as I am, loud mouth and all.

1. What special attributes has God given you that don’t seem to fit the “Christian mold”? How do/could you use these qualities to serve God?
2. Praise and thank God for your uniqueness.

Psalm 139:14; Psalm 40:5; Job 5:9; Isaiah 55:8

Shelly is wife to Nick and mom to her two girls. She spends her time freelancing as a writer/PR professional, and is active in Oakwood's worship and drama ministries.