Friday, June 19, 2009

Lavish Love
By Elizabeth Cole

“But God demonstrated his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8

I was so excited. College finals had just ended and Christmas break was finally here. My way home had two parts: drive a couple hours from San Diego to Van Nuys and then take a small commuter flight home to northern California. Should’ve been easy, but the traffic on the 405 was like nothing I’d ever experienced. Sitting at a standstill in the middle of five lanes, the only thing I saw moving were the clock’s hands. Throw in a debilitating migraine and the darkness of a winter evening, and I was a wreck. I made my way off the next exit and found a sole pay phone, right next to a timed sprinkler that began its drenching midway through my dialing.

“Dad, I’ve missed the flight, I’m soaking wet, and I can’t see very well with this headache,” I sobbed.

“Keep going as best you can and wait for me when you get to the airport. I’m coming for you.”

Upon hanging up, my father proceeded to drive the family station wagon eight hours south to pick up his daughter, tuck her into a makeshift bed in the back, and then turn around and drive through the rest of the night and early morning to deliver her home for Christmas.

Lavish love. Love that disregards inconvenience or sacrifice. A fatherly love that does for the child what the child cannot do for herself.

Regardless of the earthly fathers we’ve had…from those who reflected their God to those who’ve warped the very concept of a parent…our heavenly Father demonstrated lavish love beyond comparison or even words. Oh, how He must love you and me…passionately, poured out, lavishly.

Happy Father’s Day.

1. What would be a way you could say “Happy Father’s Day” to your heavenly Father?
2. How might you demonstrate lavish love to the father who’s nearest you today: husband, dad, father-in-law, spiritual mentor?

Luke 15:11-32

Elizabeth is a wife, mother to three teen-aged daughters, and Director of Women’s Ministries at Oakwood Church.