Monday, March 22, 2010

A Bird’s Eye View
By Jennie Pierce

“The heavens declare the glory of God…”
Psalm 19:1

Though it has no audible voice, nature has a way of speaking to one’s soul. Its grandeur, complexity and mystery cannot help but proclaim the Creator’s awesomeness. The Creator, God, intended it to be this way.

Recently, an out-of-town trip found me physically flying high in the skies, while my spirit was at an all-time low. For weeks, I had been struggling, desperately, needing God to really show me some sign of His greatness…to reveal Himself, to confirm Who He is.

My window view revealed a rather boring, desert-like landscape…an unfortunate reflection of my heart. I fought hard to rest. Desiring this rest that wouldn’t come, I leaned back, closed my eyes, and plugged in my I-pod in attempts to tune out my worries. Just as I was drifting off to sleep, my body suddenly jolted, as if being physically shaken by someone yelling, “Look!” My eyes opened just in time to witness the parting of a thick blanket of clouds as a steely, snow-capped mountain protruded authoritatively and unexpectedly, as if we were going to collide. At that very same time, the current song playing on my headset was singing, “All of creation rises up and screams out your name!”(1) It felt as if the wind had been knocked out of me. I gasped, fighting for a breath. My heart was pounding so hard, surely everyone around me could hear it!

As tears streamed down my face, I thanked God for showing Himself to me in such a big way. I had a new sense of confidence that He loved me, and would continue to walk with me through the tough times. It took a bird’s eye view to catch my attention and remind me of His greatness. Apparently, I had been walking below the clouds a bit too long, I’d forgotten just how powerful and magnificent my Saviour is; and it also took His masterful, “voiceless” creation to cry out and remind me.

The very next song that played on my I-pod said, “The whole earth is filled with Your glory, Lord. The heavens bow and the oceans roar. May You be honored and glorified, exalted and lifted higher. Here, at Your feet, I lay my life.”(2)

1. If a voiceless creation can scream out His name, we, who HAVE a voice, should be doing the same thing. Open your eyes in a fresh, new way to the creation around you, so the Creator can reveal Himself to you.

Psalm 8, 19:1-4, 66:1-3

(1) “Come Save” by Sarah Reeves
(2) “Filled with Your Glory” by Starfield

Jennie is a wife and mother of three. She is active in Oakwood’s musical worship ministry and works part-time for a chiropractor.