Wednesday, March 10, 2010

By Elin Henderson

“…that whether we wake or sleep we should live together with Him.”
1 Thessalonians 5:10

About once a year, just after a good soaking rain, up from the ground rise millions of flying termites (in Mwinika they are called “mpepe”). The locals build fires to attract these mpepe and bat them from the sky, collecting basketfuls which are then dry-fried and salted and enjoyed as a crunchy snack! Now, I can’t say this appeals much to me…no buttered and salted mpepe, thank you very much! I will stick with popcorn!

Like the other houses around us, we, too, must endure this crazy invasion of bugs. They are attracted by light and, of course, we have one of the most well-lit places around. Any crack, any crevice and they will find their way in. We try to put towels under the doors and carefully plug up any gaps in the screens, but they still manage to get in. Their sole goal? Invade and dwell!

Isn’t that what God wants in our lives as well…a full invasion of our being? Any crack, any crevice, He wants in! He wants to make His presence known not only to us, but also to those around us. This is true sanctification…God invading more and more of our being. And, as He invades and dwells in us, He transforms us into His image.

What are things that hold back His desired invasion? Why do we plug up the holes and stuff towels under our doors? Oh, as humans, how we love to feel like we are in control! We give Him certain areas and say, “Go ahead, invade away!” But, then in other areas where we think we know better or are just plain afraid to release, we plug up and hold back.

True joy, though, comes in true surrender. Allow Him to invade your life and plunge into every nook and cranny, permeating you with His presence and His character, both for your good and for the good of those around you. Live together with Him and encourage others to fully surrender to His invasion as well.

1. What area of your life are “plugging up” and not letting the Lord in?
2. Name one woman in your life whom you can encourage to surrender to the Lord.

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

Oakwood’s missionaries Elin Henderson and her husband Phil serve as church planters with New Tribes in Mozambique, Africa. Elin is mother to nine-year-old Callie and seven-year-old Elias.